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At 17 JUL 2021 07:22:46PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Guys -

Is there a tool that re-indents source code using spaces and or tabs size.

Over the years some of my code is indented with spaces some with tabs some with both just so the indenting lines up.

I want to clean out the spaces and just use tabs.

in other words after an FM remove all spaces and tabs until a non space non tab is found.

(This would make every line of code starting a column 1.)

Then based on the type of command inert a tab starting on the next line like an IF (then)

and based on the complementing command like END remove the tab

Before I write something just wanted to see if anything exists.



At 18 JUL 2021 10:34AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Brian. In the OI 10 "stored procedure editor", you'll notice some buttons at the top (next to the "find insert" and "find label" combo boxes). The first one (with an arrow pointing right) takes the currently selected text and "outdents" it. The second one (with an arrow pointing left) takes the currently selected text and "indents" it. The third one (showing an "a" and an "A") takes the currently selected text, and (for each press), converts it all to upper case, then lower case, then mixed case. And finally, the fourth button (showing arrows going left and right) will format your source code. If you press that button, it should reformat your source code pretty much as you've described.

Give it a go - if you don't like it, you don't have to save the updated stproc.

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 18 JUL 2021 11:42AM BrianWick wrote:

Very nice tool bryan -

works perfect to my expectations.


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