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At 27 JUN 2023 05:50:10PM Greg Helland wrote:

In AREV32 I was able to set the desktop icon to a custom icon and then the taskbar used that icon as well.

In AREV64 (OI10.2) I set the desktop icon and that works fine but the OI icon shows in the taskbar when it runs and the upper left hand corner icon for AREV64 shows a AREV64 icon. Is there a way to force this to be the same on the taskbar as well as on the runtime AREV64 session?

I looked thru the RXI settings and don't see anything there. Searched Windows help online and all seems to point to doing it like I have been.

Any pointers from anyone?



At 30 JUN 2023 05:22AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Greg,

Windows picks the icon that you see in the taskbar (we have no control over it), and it normally does it based on which top-level desktop form it saw first (or it uses the icon in the process before any forms are shown) - what other OI forms are running besides Arev64? If Arev64 is the only top-level OI form visible (no engine or IDE etc) then you should see the Arev64 icon if that's the icon for the form.

Carl Pates

At 30 JUN 2023 11:31AM Greg Helland wrote:

When starting AREV64 with Hide Engine=1, the icon is the AREV64 icon. This is this icon for the AREV64_STANDALONE_FORM that starts the app. Don't see a way to change the icon for that form. Ideas?

Thanks Carl.


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