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At 29 SEP 2004 04:10:37AM William Ng wrote:

How do u password protect your data?

At 29 SEP 2004 06:21AM wrote:

Are you talking the physical level or the logical level?

Application, form or edit views?

There is nothing inherent in OI to do this other than the login process. So you will need to be a little more specific about what you want.

If you are talking physical level (disk) then your best bet is a MFS or (shudder) bfs. Data is then encrypted/decrypted on the fly per a users defined access. This can become very complex to being specific to what you want is very important.

DSigs Radio Free Oregon

Phone: 971-570-2005

At 29 SEP 2004 06:25AM Richard Bright wrote:

The most elegant way is via mfs. So the user logs on and data is displayed according to user security status. This can be as granualar as you like Ie if a particular field in a particular record is denied, even in a report the report will list but suppress the denied row/column but display all other data.

MFS is one of the most powerful aspects of Arev / OI - and rather overlooked.

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