DEBUG (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 01 MAY 2020 12:49:30AM Colin Rule wrote:
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing unusual debug behaviour lately.
It seems that the first debug in any OI session is OK, but run a form again with a debug, either coded or forced by data, causes OI to just close silently and disappear.
Nothing has changed as far as I know, so wondering if this is related to a Windows update.
If other have experienced this, any ideas why?
At 01 MAY 2020 08:18AM Andrew McAuley wrote:
I have seen similar behaviour at an 8.0.8 site but I just put it down to a badly installed set of software.
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At 01 MAY 2020 08:42AM Brad Bishop wrote:
Running 10.0.7. I have also had that occur while testing but was never able to associate it to anything specific.
I've see it pretty regularly when adding\removing indices. When it occurs with indices, I end up removing all indicies from the the affected table (the system shuts down after every removed request). Once all the indices have been removed I delete the bang file. Then i can add the indices back in with no issues.