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At 11 MAY 2007 02:29:48AM Matthew Jones wrote:

We have an existing AREV 3.12 application we're migrating to OI.

Our customers occasionally hit the snag of relational indexes going greater than 64K, and more often hit the limit of popups not being able to be displayed, or not being able to key associated multi-valued data in beyond 64K etc.

My understanding is OI is not constrained by these record size and variable size limits.

During OI development, we've been using OI's "All Networks Driver v1.5" to remain compatible with our AREV app, and to be able to access and lock from either AREV or OI. This all seems to be fine.

My questions are these:

. I assume if both AREV and OI are going to access the data, it will continue to be constrained by the AREV limits. Is that correct?

. I'm guessing I need to change the OI driver to get a driver that breaks free of the AREV limits. Is that correct and if so, which driver(s) to use, and can it just be changed and start using or is anything else required?

. Once the OI driver is changed (if that's right), I'm guessing that means AREV needs to be turned off, or risk data damage. Is that right?

. Anything else we should know about these size limitations, what can be done in OI that couldn't be done in AREV, etc.

Sorry to be so basic, but I want to make sure I have the right understanding before we start switching things over and causing unneccessary problems.

Thanks and regards,

Matthew Jones.

At 11 MAY 2007 06:42AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

This might help -

The Sprezzatura Group

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 13 MAY 2007 10:47PM Matthew Jones wrote:

Thanks for the reply Sprez, but I must be missing something!

Why would I want to swap one fatal error message with another?

Granted it would prevent the corruption, but it would be a fatal error in the application all the same, and without transaction control, still a pain in the neck to deal with.

I'm keen to turn AREV off asap, now that I've come this far, so I was asking the questions to help plan for that.

Were my questions not worthy? :)

I really would like to know the answers if anyone can help:

. I assume if both AREV and OI are going to access the data, it will continue to be constrained by the AREV limits. Is that correct?

. I'm guessing I need to change the OI driver to get a driver that breaks free of the AREV limits. Is that correct and if so, which driver(s) to use, and can it just be changed and start using or is anything else required?

. Once the OI driver is changed (if that's right), I'm guessing that means AREV needs to be turned off, or risk data damage. Is that right?

. Anything else we should know about these size limitations, what can be done in OI that couldn't be done in AREV, etc.

Thanks and regards,

Matthew Jones.

At 14 MAY 2007 02:42AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

I assume if both AREV and OI are going to access the data, it will continue to be constrained by the AREV limits. Is that correct?

The DATA will be constrained but you will be able to use OI popups ] 64K etc.

I'm guessing I need to change the OI driver to get a driver that breaks free of the AREV limits. Is that correct and if so, which driver(s) to use, and can it just be changed and start using or is anything else required?

If you stay at 1.5 then OI will not be able to write ] 64K. 2.1+ will remove this limitation.

Once the OI driver is changed (if that's right), I'm guessing that means AREV needs to be turned off, or risk data damage. Is that right?

Not data damage as AREV CAN'T write ] 64K. Just fatal crashes in AREV. This is the point of the MFS - it prevents writing rows in OI that cannot be read in AREV.

Anything else we should know about these size limitations, what can be done in OI that couldn't be done in AREV, etc..

Buy more OI Dev Class licenses and just keep using AREV32 whilst you move to OI - no 64K limit in either then.

The Sprezzatura Group

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 14 MAY 2007 03:20AM Matthew Jones wrote:

Hey, now you're talkin'

"Ask and you shall receive!"

Thanks Sprezz - that's exactly what I was after.


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