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At 27 AUG 2020 04:26:58PM Mihyar Al Masalma wrote:

Hello everyone,

We have setup OpenInsight 10.0.8 O4W system, we are using external web server and we were facing an issue with data not reaching the socket. After a lot (and I mean turning every stone kind of a lot) of debugging, we managed to determine that the issue is with the Socket Server, we had a previous pre 10.0.8 system that we used it's OESockertServer.jar and things seems to be working now.

This is just to let you be aware of the issue.


At 27 AUG 2020 04:31PM bshumsky wrote:

Hello everyone,

We have setup OpenInsight 10.0.8 O4W system, we are using external web server and we were facing an issue with data not reaching the socket. After a lot (and I mean turning every stone kind of a lot) of debugging, we managed to determine that the issue is with the Socket Server, we had a previous pre 10.0.8 system that we used it's OESockertServer.jar and things seems to be working now.

This is just to let you be aware of the issue.


Hi, Mihyar. I'm sorry to hear you were having problems with the engine server in 10.0.8. As far as I know, this isn't a common problem, as no one else has reported it.

Can you tell us, did you try to run the engine server in 'debug' mode to see what might be going on?

When you installed the 10.0.8, did you tell it to install the included java runtime, or did you tell it you had your own java runtime? Did you _change_ from the included java runtime to your own, or vice versa, when you installed the 10.0.8 OpenInsight? If you had the engine server installed as a service earlier, using your own Java runtime, but then chose the included java runtime when you installed the 10.0.8, you might have needed to uninstall and reinstall the serviceā€¦

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 27 AUG 2020 04:38PM Mihyar Al Masalma wrote:

Hi Bryan,

We were running the socketserver using a command line, so no service installed, and the request for pages didn't reach that far so nothing was on the engine server.

as for the Java we've had it included with the install but when it didn't work, we installed our own.

At 28 AUG 2020 09:21AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi Bryan,

We were running the socketserver using a command line, so no service installed, and the request for pages didn't reach that far so nothing was on the engine server.

as for the Java we've had it included with the install but when it didn't work, we installed our own.

Hi, Mihyar. The "included" java does NOT insert itself into the system "path", as a java runtime you download normally does. So if you tried to start the engine server with the normal debug command (java -jar oesocketserver.jar), it will not be able to find java - is that what you experienced?

In 10.0.8, when you install the included java runtime, there is also a shortcut created in your Start Menu folder. If you had tried the "Engine Server (Debug Mode)", it should have started properly for you.

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 31 AUG 2020 08:57AM Mihyar Al Masalma wrote:

Hi Bryan,

we had no issues starting the socket server in debug mode, it works and we get the port connected and everything seems ok. but, when trying to load any page, we get nothing and looking at the engine in the debugging mode, all we can see is the engine running idle.


In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup

In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup


At 31 AUG 2020 09:02AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi Bryan,

we had no issues starting the socket server in debug mode, it works and we get the port connected and everything seems ok. but, when trying to load any page, we get nothing and looking at the engine in the debugging mode, all we can see is the engine running idle.


In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup

In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup


Hi, Mihyar. Thanks for that update.

And when you restore ONLY the oesocketserver.jar from a previous release, it starts working again?

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 31 AUG 2020 10:41AM Mihyar Al Masalma wrote:

yes, it does.

The new one throw an error, if it might help I will list those:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.clear()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;

        at com.revelation.oesocketserver.SocketServer.serverLoop(

        at com.revelation.oesocketserver.SocketServer.<init>(

        at com.revelation.oesocketserver.Main.main(

At 31 AUG 2020 11:00AM bshumsky wrote:

yes, it does.

The new one throw an error, if it might help I will list those:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.clear()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;

        at com.revelation.oesocketserver.SocketServer.serverLoop(

        at com.revelation.oesocketserver.SocketServer.<init>(

        at com.revelation.oesocketserver.Main.main(

Hi, Mihyar. Yes, thanks, the error is extremely helpful. What it's saying is that the version of java that you are running is not new enough to support these features.

Did you install the "included" java runtime? If so, then to start the engine server you MUST use the bat file that's now included in the OI 10 folder, because the included runtime is NOT put into your Window's path.

Or are you running with your OWN java runtime? If so, if you open up a dos cmd prompt, and type in "java -version" (that is, java space minus version), what does it say?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 31 AUG 2020 11:06AM Mihyar Al Masalma wrote:

Hi, right now we are running our own java, this is the version, we got the latest from Oracle website:

java version "1.8.0_261"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_261-b12)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.261-b12, mixed mode)

At 31 AUG 2020 11:13AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, right now we are running our own java, this is the version, we got the latest from Oracle website:

java version "1.8.0_261"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_261-b12)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.261-b12, mixed mode)

Hi, Mihyar. That version is the last "free" version from Oracle, but it is now over 6 years old. You can get newer versions from Oracle (but you must pay for them), or you can use the "open source" versions (such as the one we now include in the installation).

Any java version from 1.9 onwards will support the features of the new engine server. The current release version is 1.14.

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

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