How to move field in wysiwyg (O4W)
At 18 APR 2023 09:48:41PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
I created a screen with 6 fields (text boxes) and labels. I can move and resize the labels .. I can resize the textboxes but I am unable to figure out how to move the textbox. Who knows how to do this??
At 18 APR 2023 10:09PM Barry Stevens wrote:
I created a screen with 6 fields (text boxes) and labels. I can move and resize the labels .. I can resize the textboxes but I am unable to figure out how to move the textbox. Who knows how to do this??
resize it untill you see extra space on the r/h side then click in that space and drag
At 19 APR 2023 12:29PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
WOW .. i dont remember seeing that in the guide :) I will give that a try
At 19 APR 2023 07:39PM Barry Stevens wrote:
WOW .. i dont remember seeing that in the guide :) I will give that a try
…i dont remember seeing that in the guideNeither did I, just played with :wink: