Backup/Restore mis-behaves? (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 16 JUN 2004 07:51:28AM Kauko Laurinolli wrote:
When using APPBACKUP to restore my code on another machine all code in STPROC is missing?
They do show in the directory but the records are empty when trying to edit them?
I use v7.0.1.
At 16 JUN 2004 09:42AM Donald Bakke wrote:
First step is to do a Ctrl-R uskng the system editor to see if the source records are in SYSPROCS? If they are, then try rebuilding your system indexes to see if this helps.
Let us know how that goes and we'll trying something else if necessary.
At 16 JUN 2004 09:46AM wrote:
Are you sure you 'Refreshed' your view?
I just went to the examples app, APPBACK, deleted 2 source, 1 form, 1 form exe then logged out and on to be sure they were gone.
Then APPBACK-restore. Then VIEW/Refresh and they were there. Also checked in the editor just in case .. but yes they are there. onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
At 16 JUN 2004 12:30PM Kauko Laurinolli wrote:
Of cource I have 'Refreshed' the view and re-started dozen times.
Crtl-R bring up records in SYSPROCS and records belonging to other applications are there and editable but records for the active application (PUMPS) and Zero size and not editable.
Rebuilding all indexes did not help.
At 16 JUN 2004 12:48PM wrote:
pkzip me the file if you want and I will take a quick look at it
As mentioned I just tried it with a fresh download and differenty types of objects. I am wondering if it is something off with your backup onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
At 16 JUN 2004 01:23PM Sean FitzSimons wrote:
Are your other components (SYSREPOSEVENTS, SYSREPOSWINS, etc.) there?
At 16 JUN 2004 05:03PM Richard Bright wrote:
Have you run a SCAN_REP to ensure that your application is (reasonably) clean?
Sometimes bad stuff in the SYSREPOS etc impacts on APPBACKUP
At 17 JUN 2004 07:21AM Kauko Laurinolli wrote:
Yes SYSREPOSEVENTS, SYSREPOSWINS, etc. are there and records can be edited.
Zip a which file?
I also noticed that when making backup from THIS APPLICATION (PUMPS) even into empty directoryI get FS100 error but no other message?
At 17 JUN 2004 09:05AM wrote:
There are some 'items' in the repository, even on a clean install, that cause this error. If you do a rebuild of all system indexs then this should go away.
Try this, attach the backup directory from the system editor
RUN ATTACH_TABLE 'BACKUP' (or where ever the files are)
Then, in the system editor, edit the SYSPROCS_BACKUP table for one of the records. You might have to press REFRESH after doing the attach. If it can be edited here then the backup is good. Go ahead and restore and try editing again.
if none of this works, zip up your backup directory and send off. I will take a quick look at it onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
At 17 JUN 2004 01:01PM Kauko Laurinolli wrote:
Strange! When I run:
RUN ATTACH_TABLE 'BACKUP_PUMP' (where my backup for application (PUMPS) is located)
SYSPROCS_BACKUP table has no records in it?
If I do:
RUN ATTACH_TABLE 'BACKUP'(where my backup for another application (NOSS) is located) records for application NOSS in SYSPROCS_BACKUP show up?
At 17 JUN 2004 01:40PM wrote:
well .. there is your problem.
I have never seen backup backup some files and not others. onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
At 21 JUN 2004 03:50PM Kauko Laurinolli wrote:
Yes, that the problem but what is the solution?
At 24 JUN 2004 01:09PM Kauko Laurinolli wrote:
I found the problem but no solution.
If I create icon for my application from existing 32x32x16 icon file (I have used this same one w/ other applications w/o any problem) OI creates SAME entity to IMAGE/ICO but also into IMAGE/BMP?
I have not seen this behaviour in other applications.
Now backup will create FS100 error. If I delete BOTH entities backup works fine?
Deleting and redoing/renaming DOS icon file/renaming icon entity doesn't help???
At 25 JUN 2004 07:44AM Kauko Laurinolli wrote:
RUN SCAN_REP from editor gives: This procedure can be run in event-context only?
What does this mean? How to run it?
At 25 JUN 2004 10:50AM Kauko Laurinolli wrote:
OK, I figured out how to run it.
What is the "bad stuff" I should delete?
Lot's of Orphans and No Body items also in Examples and Sysprog.
Nothing else.
At 26 JUN 2004 02:31PM Richard Bright wrote:
In your own app you should have a clean system. Often its the skeletons such as those orphan entities that cause and Appbackup to fail. Very dangerous to cleanup in SYSPROG unless your very sure of the impact. The orphans etc should be cleaned out of thre Example App. Again backup volume before deleting.