Non data Bound (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 07 JAN 2021 07:08:11PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Happy New year everyone…
Probably too long on holiday..
Is there a way I can read all data on a non data bound form?
apart from using ctrlmap
At 07 JAN 2021 07:12PM Andrew McAuley wrote:
If none of the record properties work for you (atrecord, record, or even @record) have you tried including the Oiwin common and looking at subrows@(0)?
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At 07 JAN 2021 07:12PM Andrew McAuley wrote:
Post removed by author
At 07 JAN 2021 07:16PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Hi Andrew,
Was going to look at it as an option
Haven't tried it in 10 as yet..
At 07 JAN 2021 07:23PM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Gerry,
If it's not data-bound then no - OI has no idea what the structure of a "record" would look like, or what controls and properties constitute "data" for your purposes (there are some obvious ones of course). If this is a common requirement then it might be worth creating a stored procedure to perform this sort of thing for you (I've done this in the past to emulate data-binding in apps that have custom data-binding requirements).
As a 'quick and dirty' method you could do something like this:
ctrlMap = get_Property( @window, "CONTROLMAP" ) convert @fm to @rm in ctrlMap ctrlData = get_Property( ctrlMap, "DEFPROP" ) // Now iterate across ctrlMap and look for fields in ctrlData ....Naming conventions are a help, and you could perhaps assign a UDP custom "@" property to a control that identifies it as a control containing data (you can do this in the Form Designer in v10 rather than needing to do it in code) - that way it would be easy for a generic routine to pick out the data controls.
At 07 JAN 2021 07:43PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Hi Carl,
I just created a new procedure to do just that..
Will use concepts as you explained
Not my original code hence trying to find a quick way
In Arev we had @pseudo with the dict a position number and could get it like so..
Will recreate as best I can