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At 10 AUG 2009 10:11:24PM Aaron Thorp wrote:

Getting the following error on my development machine when running upgrades, says they fail but they seem to install ok, it's running in development mode, this particular upgrade had dictionaries, it doesn't always occur when processing upgrades…any ideas?

Upgrade Log

Started: 11:26:38 23 JUN 2009

Error (100) deleting row "SYSPROG*STPROC**EDITOR_EVENTS" in line 8

Error (100) deleting row "EDITOR_EVENTS" in line 9

Finished: 11:26:43 23 JUN 2009

At 12 AUG 2009 01:17PM Bob Orsini wrote:

This upgrade file is from jun 23. Is this correct.

At 13 AUG 2009 11:36PM Aaron Thorp wrote:

that an interesting observation, that is an error from jun 23, but i did the upgrade the day i posted the thread up here and thats what error message came up, date is correct on my computer and everything like that…wierd

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