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At 27 JUN 2021 01:20:35PM Richard Richter wrote:

I've noticed that when I try to login to my OI 10 website the OEngineServer v10.0 (Open JDK) is not running. I found out that when I reboot my laptop, the service does not restart automatically as it is supposed to do. The Startup Type is set to Automatic. It seems, though I can't pinpoint exactly why it happens, it will stop unexpectedly. Has anyone seen this happen? Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?


Richard Richter

At 28 JUN 2021 08:27AM bshumsky wrote:

I've noticed that when I try to login to my OI 10 website the OEngineServer v10.0 (Open JDK) is not running. I found out that when I reboot my laptop, the service does not restart automatically as it is supposed to do. The Startup Type is set to Automatic. It seems, though I can't pinpoint exactly why it happens, it will stop unexpectedly. Has anyone seen this happen? Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?


Richard Richter

Hi, Richard. Is this 10.0 "for real", or something updated to the current (like 10.0.8)?

As far as I know, there aren't others reporting this as an issue.

There should be a folder where logs are sent for the service - if you look in your OI folder, OESERVER subfolder, do you see a directory named logs? Does it contain any files? In particular, you are looking for a file named "WRAPPER.LOG", and if you open it with a text editor (like notepad), you should see if anything is occurring to cause a shutdown.

You could also look in the Windows Event Viewer and see if there's anything in there related to the Java shutting down.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 28 JUN 2021 10:06AM Richard Richter wrote:

I've noticed that when I try to login to my OI 10 website the OEngineServer v10.0 (Open JDK) is not running. I found out that when I reboot my laptop, the service does not restart automatically as it is supposed to do. The Startup Type is set to Automatic. It seems, though I can't pinpoint exactly why it happens, it will stop unexpectedly. Has anyone seen this happen? Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?


Richard Richter

Hi, Richard. Is this 10.0 "for real", or something updated to the current (like 10.0.8)?

As far as I know, there aren't others reporting this as an issue.

There should be a folder where logs are sent for the service - if you look in your OI folder, OESERVER subfolder, do you see a directory named logs? Does it contain any files? In particular, you are looking for a file named "WRAPPER.LOG", and if you open it with a text editor (like notepad), you should see if anything is occurring to cause a shutdown.

You could also look in the Windows Event Viewer and see if there's anything in there related to the Java shutting down.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

Hi Bryan,

After I clicked on enter, I knew I should have put in the full release number -

I found the log file. These are the last two startups. 21-06-25 is a reboot and I started the service manually. 21-06-27 I discovered that the service was not running and I started it manually.

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:02|YAJSW: yajsw-stable-12.14

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:02|OS : Windows 10/10.0/amd64

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:02|JVM : AdoptOpenJDK/11.0.5/C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\jre/64

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:02|start delay: 0

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:05|started process with pid 4748

INFO|4748/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:05|Version: - Licensed for use to CN=Revelation Software

INFO|4748/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:05|Started at 2021-06-25 17:48:05

INFO|4748/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:06|2021-06-25 17:48:06.858:INFO::OEWebServer: Logging initialized @1777ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog

INFO|4748/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:07|Error: Could not receive UDP packet

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:08|restart process due to default exit code rule

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:08|shutdown wrapper due to exit code rule

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:08|shutdown wrapper due to exit code rule

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:08|calling onStop

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:08|Win service stop - timeout: 30000

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:08|Win service wrapper.control → stopping application

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:08|Win service stop - after shutdown

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:08|Win service stop - before notify

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-25 17:48:08|Win service terminated

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 12:45:26|YAJSW: yajsw-stable-12.14

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 12:45:26|OS : Windows 10/10.0/amd64

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 12:45:26|JVM : AdoptOpenJDK/11.0.5/C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\jre/64

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 12:45:26|start delay: 0

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 12:45:27|started process with pid 6992

INFO|6992/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 12:45:27|Version: - Licensed for use to CN=Revelation Software

INFO|6992/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 12:45:27|Started at 2021-06-27 12:45:27

INFO|6992/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 12:45:28|2021-06-27 12:45:28.528:INFO::OEWebServer: Logging initialized @1344ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog

INFO|6992/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 13:45:40|Error: Engine creation FAILED, code *-3111*

INFO|6992/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 14:45:40|Error: Engine creation FAILED, code *-3111*

INFO|6992/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-27 15:45:40|Error: Engine creation FAILED, code *-3111*

I went through the event logs. I could not fine any reference to OEngineServer or Java.

Richard Richter

At 28 JUN 2021 01:50PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Richard. Were you previously running the "non-bundled" version of the java on this machine? I wonder whether it still thinks that other version of java should be running, and thus we're having problems with the startup command. All the entries in this log show that it "knows" it's running the bundled version…

Is the log from 6/25 showing us the system after the restart, starting up and then shutting down the service? Or is it _just_ showing us the shutdown of the service? I can't easily tell…


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 29 JUN 2021 08:18AM Richard Richter wrote:

Hi, Richard. Were you previously running the "non-bundled" version of the java on this machine? I wonder whether it still thinks that other version of java should be running, and thus we're having problems with the startup command. All the entries in this log show that it "knows" it's running the bundled version…

Is the log from 6/25 showing us the system after the restart, starting up and then shutting down the service? Or is it _just_ showing us the shutdown of the service? I can't easily tell…


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

I restarted today rather than shutting down and OEServer started properly. This is the log:

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:40:30|Win service stop - timeout: 30000

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:40:30|Win service wrapper.control → stopping application

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:40:30|stopping process with pid/timeout 6992 45000

INFO|6992/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:40:30|wrapper manager received Message:STOP::COMPUTER

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:40:32|process exit code: 0

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:40:32|Win service stop - after shutdown

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:40:32|shutdown wrapper due to exit code rule

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:40:32|Win service stop - before notify

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:40:32|Win service terminated

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:41:00|YAJSW: yajsw-stable-12.14

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:41:00|OS : Windows 10/10.0/amd64

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:41:00|JVM : AdoptOpenJDK/11.0.5/C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\jre/64

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:41:00|start delay: 0

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:41:00|started process with pid 12032

INFO|12032/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:41:01|Version: - Licensed for use to CN=Revelation Software

INFO|12032/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:41:01|Started at 2021-06-28 13:41:01

INFO|12032/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-06-28 13:41:02|2021-06-28 13:41:02.927:INFO::OEWebServer: Logging initialized @2051ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog

It appears to me that it shut down and restarted properly since it was a restart rather than a full shut down and restart but I could be wrong. Actually, I'm usually wrong.

Richard Richter

At 29 JUN 2021 08:44AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Richard. OK, for want of a better answer, let's just keep an eye on it and see if it turns itself "off" again - and if it does, please check the log before you restart (and send it to me?) and I'll see if we can pick up anything that might be going on there…


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 04 JUL 2021 10:24AM Richard Richter wrote:

Hi, Richard. OK, for want of a better answer, let's just keep an eye on it and see if it turns itself "off" again - and if it does, please check the log before you restart (and send it to me?) and I'll see if we can pick up anything that might be going on there…


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

Hi Bryan,

This morning I went to open Management Console and checked if OEngineServer was running. It needed to be started and I did. Apparently it closed on 21-07-03 for a reason I can't understand and I restarted it on 2-07-04. Here are the log entries:

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:14|YAJSW: yajsw-stable-12.14

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:14|OS : Windows 10/10.0/amd64

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:14|JVM : AdoptOpenJDK/11.0.5/C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\jre/64

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:14|start delay: 0

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:17|started process with pid 12232

INFO|12232/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:18|Version: - Licensed for use to CN=Revelation Software

INFO|12232/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:18|Started at 2021-07-03 17:38:18

INFO|12232/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:19|2021-07-03 17:38:19.397:INFO::OEWebServer: Logging initialized @1775ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog

INFO|12232/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|Error: Could not receive UDP packet

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|restart process due to default exit code rule

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|shutdown wrapper due to exit code rule

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|shutdown wrapper due to exit code rule

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|calling onStop

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|Win service stop - timeout: 30000

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|Win service wrapper.control → stopping application

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|Win service stop - after shutdown

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|Win service stop - before notify

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-03 17:38:20|Win service terminated

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-04 10:17:02|YAJSW: yajsw-stable-12.14

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-04 10:17:02|OS : Windows 10/10.0/amd64

WARNING|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-04 10:17:02|JVM : AdoptOpenJDK/11.0.5/C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\jre/64

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-04 10:17:02|start delay: 0

INFO|wrapper|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-04 10:17:03|started process with pid 2940

INFO|2940/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-04 10:17:03|Version: - Licensed for use to CN=Revelation Software

INFO|2940/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-04 10:17:03|Started at 2021-07-04 10:17:03

INFO|2940/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-04 10:17:04|2021-07-04 10:17:04.526:INFO::OEWebServer: Logging initialized @1342ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog

INFO|2940/0|Service OEngineServer (OpenJDK)|21-07-04 10:17:16|Error: Engine creation FAILED, code *-3111*

is "Error: Could not receive UDP packet the problem.

Richard Richter

At 06 JUL 2021 08:45AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Richard.

Yes, looking in the code I see that "Could not receive UDP packet" does cause it to stop - it's not a normal thing. One work-around is to turn off the "listener" for UDP packets - it doesn't explain why you'd not be able to listen for UDP packets, but if you're not using the engine server statistics, it's something that can be disabled.

Open up your eserver.cfg file, located in your OpenInsight folder, using a text editor like notepad. Look for a line that starts:


(note the capitalization and the use of underscores - it must look EXACTLY like that)

If you have that line, make sure the value after the equals is 1 and not 0. If you don't have that line in there at all, you can add it, so you end up with a line that looks EXACTLY like this:


You can also look for Statistics_Output_Disabled in the same way, and also set its value to 1. Note that there are no spaces between the string we're looking for and the equal sign, and no spaces between the equal sign and the 1 (number one).

Save your changed eserver.cfg file, stop and restart the engine server, and it should now not try to "listen" on the UDP port. You can see if that's more stable now.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 06 JUL 2021 09:42AM Richard Richter wrote:

Hi, Richard.

Yes, looking in the code I see that "Could not receive UDP packet" does cause it to stop - it's not a normal thing. One work-around is to turn off the "listener" for UDP packets - it doesn't explain why you'd not be able to listen for UDP packets, but if you're not using the engine server statistics, it's something that can be disabled.

Open up your eserver.cfg file, located in your OpenInsight folder, using a text editor like notepad. Look for a line that starts:


(note the capitalization and the use of underscores - it must look EXACTLY like that)

If you have that line, make sure the value after the equals is 1 and not 0. If you don't have that line in there at all, you can add it, so you end up with a line that looks EXACTLY like this:


You can also look for Statistics_Output_Disabled in the same way, and also set its value to 1. Note that there are no spaces between the string we're looking for and the equal sign, and no spaces between the equal sign and the 1 (number one).

Save your changed eserver.cfg file, stop and restart the engine server, and it should now not try to "listen" on the UDP port. You can see if that's more stable now.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

Thanks. I'll let you know is there's any more problems. As always, I appreciate your help.

Richard Richter

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