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At 23 OCT 2020 11:26:59AM bshumsky wrote:

A new option has been added to the user settings; you can now choose to show the entries in a "thread" in descending date order. This may be handy for long conversation threads, where you might only be interested in seeing the latest entries.

You'll find this new option on the User Preferences form (the link is shown on the WORKS Members main page); it's the "Show summary in descending date" field, in the "Individual Posting Settings" section. Set that value to "Yes" if you wish to show the Works conversation in descending date order.

As always, please let me know if there are any problems or issues…

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 23 OCT 2020 11:29AM Donald Bakke wrote:

A new option has been added to the user settings; you can now choose to show the entries in a "thread" in descending date order. This may be handy for long conversation threads, where you might only be interested in seeing the latest entries.

You'll find this new option on the User Preferences form (the link is shown on the WORKS Members main page); it's the "Show summary in descending date" field, in the "Individual Posting Settings" section. Set that value to "Yes" if you wish to show the Works conversation in descending date order.

As always, please let me know if there are any problems or issues…

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

Thanks, Bryan!

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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  • third_party_content/community/commentary/forums_works/a16195c02ee4734e99a967ead060dd76.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/12/30 11:57
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