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At 12 DEC 2002 10:14:57AM Colin P Kavanagh wrote:

I am trying to use the CreateEngine function in VB6 (referenced XREV.DLL) to create an instance of the OI Engine. The function is returning an error code of '3'. Does anybody know what this error code means.

At 13 DEC 2002 04:50AM Tim Marler wrote:


What version of OI are you using?

Early doors I had some problems with different versions but this stuff is way cool when you get it going.


At 16 DEC 2002 05:05AM Colin P Kavanagh wrote:

I'm using OI 4.1.2,

When I try queue.callfunction I get a vb error

  "Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic"

Take that line of code out and I get Method 'CreateQueue of object IEngine failed. This code worked fine before I tried to call the function. I have go the engine and Queue to crate

At 16 DEC 2002 06:28AM Tim Marler wrote:


Is it just this one Procedure you can't call? Can you post the code that creates the object etc?


At 17 DEC 2002 05:33AM Colin P Kavanagh wrote:

I have it sorted, problems with the Engine.CreateQueue VB statment

you only need to pass null for the queueName in the createQueue call as it's not implemented yet … eg ..

 Result=Engine.CreateQueue(Queue, "", "EXAMPLES", "EXAMPLES")

ie pass a queue name and the vb statment aborts.

Thanks for you help.


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