OpenInsight And Linux Server (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 16 MAR 2020 07:24:00AM Troy Mann wrote:
Hello All,
We have taken a support call from one of our users of our OpenInsight application and they have been using it for nearly 16 years. They run OpenInsight on a Linux server with a SAMBA share to allow Windows workstations to connect via a mapped Drive.
I have not encountered OpenInsight running on Linux before.
When users try to open the OI application they are getting a "Unable to access linear hash files Error FS1104 group 1012" error.
They have three Workstations and each one went down progressively, possibly indicating an update to the Workstation, either Windows or something similar causing the error.
I have limited knowledge on this at the moment, as was keen to see if anyone has any knowledge on Linux and OI before getting to involved.
Any advice would be very appreciated.
Cheers Troy
At 16 MAR 2020 08:23AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Troy.
What version of OpenInsight are we talking about? Are they running a Universal Driver (UD) service somewhere? What version?
Your initial description of their configuration seems to say that they are using the Linux server merely as a file server (shared on a Windows network via a Samba share). That is, they are not actually running any part of OpenInisght on the Linux system.
If that's the case, then I would check to see if any Windows (or Linux?) updates might have somehow changed the access permissions or rights, or if any other changes (antivirus updates? Firewall changes?) might be the culprit.
- Bryan Shumsky
At 16 MAR 2020 10:07AM Troy Mann wrote:
Hi Bryan,
Thanks for your feedback.
I have just spoken to the client further. They are, as you say running the server as a file server meaning all OI is run on the Workstations using W10.
As for OI they are using OI8 currently without a UD. Once I realised this I discussed OI9 and they are happy to move to OI9 with UD, if it would work on a Linux server.
Can a UD be placed on a Linux server? Does OI9 run with Linux?
They prefer to stay with Linux if possible for a few reasons mainly around company policies.
I will need to investigate closer Windows updates or Firewalls etc as I suspect it is Workstation related, because if it server related then they would of all went down at the same time, I assume.
At 16 MAR 2020 10:46AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Troy.
Unfortunately, the UD server MUST be a Windows server. And, since the data files the UD server manages must be on the same system, that means the data files must be on Windows as well.
The OpenInsight exes and dlls can remain on the Linux Samba share, using a "split filesystem" technique described by Bob Carten (whereby the exes and dlls are the ONLY files in the OI folder, and the data files are accessed via a revparam and a "share name").
Hope that helps,
- Bryan Shumsky