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At 21 DEC 2021 11:35:38PM Robert Heard wrote:

Hello AREV community,

I have not been on this Forum for several months. When I was browsing, I could not find any in Category "AREV32". Instead, it seems everything has been converted to the Category "General".

Is this the case? Has support for AREV32 been dropped?

If AREV32 support has been dropped, I would like to put my hand up to help with support. I have been keeping lots of notes over the past 20+ years, most about bugs and work-arounds, but also "undocumented features".



At 22 DEC 2021 12:00AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Hello AREV community,

I have not been on this Forum for several months. When I was browsing, I could not find any in Category "AREV32". Instead, it seems everything has been converted to the Category "General".

Is this the case? Has support for AREV32 been dropped?

If AREV32 support has been dropped, I would like to put my hand up to help with support. I have been keeping lots of notes over the past 20+ years, most about bugs and work-arounds, but also "undocumented features".



Hello Robert - No, AREV32 is very much still supported. If you were unable to find any posts perhaps this is because the majority of them were lost when Revelation had to rebuild their site two years ago due to ransomware. Eitherway, I'm sure everyone would welcome your willingness to help with support when questions arise.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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