Font Window (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 24 AUG 2006 02:18:59PM Mark Ford wrote:
Can developers access the Report Builder Font window? If it can be used how does one access the window?
At 24 AUG 2006 02:33PM Jim Vaughan wrote:
This one?
Font=Utility('CHOOSEFONT', Window, DefaultFont)
At 24 AUG 2006 03:04PM Mike Ruane wrote:
Jim's correct- we use the UTILITY function, sending the CHOOSEFONT method. Here's the code from the reporter:
DefFont=Utility("CHOOSEFONT", @window, OldFont)
Hope it helps-
At 24 AUG 2006 03:26PM Mark Ford wrote:
At 24 AUG 2006 03:27PM Mark Ford wrote:
Thanks Mike and Jim. Just the info I needed.