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At 04 AUG 2021 03:40:04PM Greg Helland wrote:

Today when I logged onto one of my clients systems I am unable to edit a record with the system editor. The record is blank on the screen but it shows I am editing the record. If I got to TCL and LIST the record the data show up fine.

I have run the Client Setup 4 times now, every time it was run as System Admin and that has not fixed it.

I even tried it in SYSPROG and nothing.

Any hints as to how to be able to edit a record again? This has been working just fine.



At 04 AUG 2021 03:50PM bshumsky wrote:

Today when I logged onto one of my clients systems I am unable to edit a record with the system editor. The record is blank on the screen but it shows I am editing the record. If I got to TCL and LIST the record the data show up fine.

I have run the Client Setup 4 times now, every time it was run as System Admin and that has not fixed it.

I even tried it in SYSPROG and nothing.

Any hints as to how to be able to edit a record again? This has been working just fine.



Hi, Greg. First, is this OI 10 (you indicated it's an OpenInsight 64bit question)? If so, we are discussing the "Record Editor". Or do you mean this is an OI 9.x (or earlier) version of OpenInsight (32-bit)?

Thanks for the clarification,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 04 AUG 2021 03:53PM Greg Helland wrote:

OpenInsight 64bit

File > Open > Record from IDE main menu

At 04 AUG 2021 03:53PM Greg Helland wrote:

OI to be exact

At 04 AUG 2021 04:01PM bshumsky wrote:

OI to be exact

Hi, Greg. Thanks for those details.

If you right-click and "run as administrator" your OpenInsight 10 shortcut, does that make any difference?

Do stored procedures or stored procedure inserts show up OK?

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 04 AUG 2021 04:09PM Greg Helland wrote:

Hi Bryan,

Yes, sorry I forgot to put in those troubleshooting steps. Editing Stored Procedures and Inserts works just fine. Only when editing a record. So, I can edit a stored procedure named CONVERT_SALES but if I go to File > Open > Record and choose STPROCS with record name CONVERT_SALESBROKERAGE I get the blank page. Greg </QUOTE> —- === At 04 AUG 2021 04:21PM bshumsky wrote: === <QUOTE> <QUOTE>Hi Bryan, Yes, sorry I forgot to put in those troubleshooting steps. Editing Stored Procedures and Inserts works just fine. Only when editing a record. So, I can edit a stored procedure named CONVERT_SALES but if I go to File > Open > Record and choose STPROCS with record name CONVERT_SALESBROKERAGE I get the blank page.


Hi, Greg. Could you also answer if choosing "run as administrator" when you started up OI made any difference?

You say this is on a specific client's system. Do they have multiple workstations using the same OpenInsight, and they work?

When you run the clientsetup, are there any errors displayed?

I think what I would try is the following:

- restart the workstation (do not open up OI);

- Go to "Add or Remove Programs", and on the right-hand side of that page you should find "Programs and Features";

- Look for "OpenInsight Development Suite - Client 10.0.8" (or something like that), and remove it;

- When the client is shown as being removed, restart the workstation again;

- Run the clientsetup.exe from the OpenInsight folder (do NOT choose "Run as Administrator" unless it gives you an error);

- Restart the OI and see if it's any better

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.


At 04 AUG 2021 04:33PM Greg Helland wrote:

Run as Administrator did not help.

I am remotely logged into the terminal server session that is right on the actual server so rebooting it is not an option. I have uninstalled the client thru the control panel and reinstalled it running as administrator. That did not fix it.

All runs of ClientSetup.exe ran without any errors at all.

Other ideas?


At 04 AUG 2021 04:38PM Greg Helland wrote:

I just went into the client folder and ran unist.exe as system administrator to fully remove the client, I reinstalled as system administrator. Now I can edit stored procedures and inserts with File>Open>Record but still can not open a database record or a SYSLISTS record.

Hope that helps.


At 04 AUG 2021 04:52PM bshumsky wrote:

I just went into the client folder and ran unist.exe as system administrator to fully remove the client, I reinstalled as system administrator. Now I can edit stored procedures and inserts with File>Open>Record but still can not open a database record or a SYSLISTS record.

Hope that helps.


Hi, Greg. Hmm, that doesn't really make any sense - as far as the "Record editor" is concerned, stproc and stprocins records are just records, the same as any other. So if you can edit them as records, I can't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to edit any other records as well.

How about some other system tables - for example, can you open a record in the O4WCODES table? Does it display?

Do you have other users using this OpenInsight at the same time (I'm guessing the answer is yes from one of your other replies)? Are you sure you're using the Universal Driver for all folders? I am wondering if you're seeing some kind of access contention, because not all files/folders are under the UD control…?

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 04 AUG 2021 05:01PM Greg Helland wrote:

Tried 3 records in O4WCODES and none can be edited or displayed. There are currently no other users on OI but there are users on the server and I don't have access to reboot the client server.

How to I check to see if I am using the UD for all folders? The system tables list SYSLISTS are in the main folder so they should be covered.

I have tried stopping the UD, setting the app to NOT use the service and still had the same issue. I can try that again if you want me to.


At 04 AUG 2021 05:12PM Greg Helland wrote:

OK, I just shut down the LH service, changed REVPARAM to SERVERONLY=0 and then tried editing. Same result.


At 04 AUG 2021 05:28PM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Greg,

That appears like the classic symptom of an unregistered ocx, which the clientsetup should take care of. However, just to make sure try it manually like this:

Run a cmd prompt as administrator.

Then cd to the folder containing "revrecedit.ocx" (this is usually in the folder called ocxfiles under Revboot)

Run the command "regsvr32 revrecedit.ocx" in the command prompt and confirm that it says registration succeeded.

Then see if you can open a record.


Carl Pates

At 04 AUG 2021 06:06PM Greg Helland wrote:


Thanks for the info. Running an Administrator Command Prompt does not allow me to access the server that has OI10 on it. Neither does using a regular command prompt. Using Powershell I can get to it but I get the following error message:

The module "revrecedit.ocx" was loaded but the call to DIIRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80040200. According to the error code this could be an issue with administrator rights.

Ideas as to why I can't get to another app server from my command prompt?



At 04 AUG 2021 06:16PM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Greg,

Sounds like you need to take it up with your client's server support folks - I couldn't begin to guess what the actual problem is with your access rights, though I've had plenty of occasions where I've been told I'm an "admin", but still get blocked under certain conditions … being an admin doesn't mean you have access _everywhere_, especially on other machines.


Carl Pates

At 04 AUG 2021 06:18PM Greg Helland wrote:

Thanks Carl. I was figuring that might be the case so thanks for the confirmation. No go to sleep!



At 06 AUG 2021 02:13PM Greg Helland wrote:

Was finally able to register the ocx and that took care of the problem. Had to work with outside IT support for the client to get proper access.



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