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At 21 DEC 2004 06:30:20PM Paxton Scott wrote:

7.1 is great, good work. But…

It looks like $RDKEXTRACT has been replaced but RDKEXTRACT (source) has not. I want to verify because I have customized RDKEXTRACT to make a call to a routine of mine that stores information about the upgrade and passes to the target system as well as leaving a trail on the development machine.

I want to find the best way to perserve my upgrade system, fearful that if I use the old $RDKEXTRACT something will break.

Is the source of the current RDKEXTRACT unavailable?

[url=]ARCS, Inc.

At 22 DEC 2004 09:03AM Sean FitzSimons wrote:


Yes the source code for the RDK routines are unavailable.


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