Closing RTI_IDE (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 09 JUL 2021 12:52:36AM cmeyer wrote:
After loading my application, then starting RTI_IDE, then close RTI_IDE it also closes my application instead of just closing RTI_IDE. A little frustrating.
At 09 JUL 2021 01:40AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Chris, Mine doesn't
this is the code
and it works if I start it when I start my system
or if i just start it afterwards.
cmdLine = Get_Property( "SYSTEM", "CMDLINE" )
if indexC( cmdLine, " /IDE=1", 1 ) then
call start_Window( "RTI_IDE", "", "" )
and this is how I open my system
D:\OInsight10\OpenInsight.exe /ap=MYAPP /un=MYAPP /pw=password /RX=MASTER1 /IDE=1
I think it did it once when i opened and closed it quickly..
At 09 JUL 2021 05:24AM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Chris,
If you start the system in "Dev Mode", i.e. you use the /DV=1 switch, or you "open" the app from the OI login dialog then the IDE considers itself to be the "main" window.
(You can see this if the SYSTEM DEVMODE property returns TRUE$.)
If you run your application and then load the IDE afterwards it won't close down OpenInsight when you close the IDE.
At 09 JUL 2021 05:30AM cmeyer wrote:
Hi Carl,
If you run your application and then load the IDE afterwards it won't close down OpenInsight when you close the IDE.
Sorry to disappoint you but OpenInsight DOES close when I close the IDE even though I load the IDE after starting my app.
At 09 JUL 2021 05:42AM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Chris,
When you're in your app and the IDE is up can you run this in the System Monitor please and tell me what it returns?
GP SYSTEM DEVMODEHow are you starting your application? What's the command line and are you using the normal OI login dialog at all?
At 09 JUL 2021 06:53AM cmeyer wrote:
Starting the application window MDI2015
then on the create event login the user via my own login dialog box which also attaches the required data files
Then execute Void = Start_Window(Form,'',CreateParam) where form = RTI_IDE and CreateParam is null.
Hope this helps.
At 09 JUL 2021 08:34AM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Chris,
Can you show me the command lien you using please? (use a fake password of course ;) )
At 09 JUL 2021 08:44PM cmeyer wrote:
Hi Carl,
This is my shortcut command line:
C:\Revsoft\Oinsight10\OpenInsight.exe /AP=PBC /PW=USER /UN=USER /DPATH=C:\AREV-CMG\DATA
I control the user(s) and password(s) within my app.
Hope this helps.
At 09 JUL 2021 08:54PM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Chris,
One final check - go to the System Monitor and type "CFG" and hit return. You should see a list of attributes extracted from the RXI file your application is starting up with.
What's the entry for devMode? If it's 1 then you either need to set it to 0 in the RXI file or set /DV=0 on the command line to override the RXI setting.
At 09 JUL 2021 09:18PM cmeyer wrote:
Thanks Carl,
That worked.
/DV=0 prevented OI shutting down after closing RTI_IDE.