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At 22 JUN 2004 06:13:05PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:


We have a calculation we do so we can populate an edit table.

26 columns

approx 1400 lines or more!

After calculating the data we then set the array of the edit table

This takes approximately 1 minute plus depending on the speed of the PC.

We also tried setting LIST, send_message(Insert)

and they all take the same amount of time.

If the number of lines in the edit table is there then it takes a few seconds, however if the lines are not in the table it takes a longggggggggg time.

Is there a way we can make this faster, as the client uses Excel and says if Excel is fast we should be able to do it quick as well.

Gerry van Niekerk


At 22 JUN 2004 06:56PM wrote:


it sounds like you are saying that if the datatable contains the data then it takes a minute. IF the data table does not contain the data it takes a long time. Is this right? If yes then my guess is that the additional time is being taken by reading in the data?

If this is the case then you need to come up with some creative methods of storing the data and retrieving it. This might include alternative ways of storing the data, use of indexes etc.

Of course if my guess at what you were saying is wrong then forget what i said onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"

DSig's Radio Free Oregon

David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions

At 22 JUN 2004 07:51PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

Not Quite,

We create the data on the fly,

That takes a few seconds,

Because the table is not data bound,

when you display the data ie Set_property('window.table','ARRAY',DATA)

It takes between 30 seconds and 2 minutes just to populate the table

Gerry van Niekerk


At 23 JUN 2004 01:45AM wrote:

hmm not even close.

I just created a new window with 2o columns and 25 rows showing. I then wrote a little routine on the crate that simply sucked up 1200 rows and built a large list (actually concat the rows together because they are only 15 columns). With this config it only took a few seconds to set_property LIST the data.

So I moved the row count to 5000. There was a big difference in the amount of time, it took 31 seconds to post the data. The size of the array was 2,513,406.

What is the size of the data you are posting?

Would it be possible to use Send_MEssage to Insert to the bottom of the table several hunks of data? Might be faster that 1 big set_property.

Now true the data is sparse in some columns but there is a mi onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"

DSig's Radio Free Oregon

David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions

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