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At 08 NOV 2023 12:17:36AM Barry Stevens wrote:

Has anyone got any recommendations for a cloud server they are using for OI (10) and also for O4W

At 14 NOV 2023 05:30PM Sandra DAngelo wrote:

Hi Barry,

For OI10, we use Microsoft Azure with Parallels RAS. You can uses Parallels HTML5 Client to view, launch, and work with OI applications in a web browser. They have an install script for Azure including setting up MFA but I believe they just added a script for AWS also. Additionally, Parallels has cost optimization for Azure managed disks which helps pays for itself.

Free 30 day trial here:

Good luck with your search.



At 14 NOV 2023 11:11PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Hi Barry,

For OI10, we use Microsoft Azure with Parallels RAS. You can uses Parallels HTML5 Client to view, launch, and work with OI applications in a web browser. They have an install script for Azure including setting up MFA but I believe they just added a script for AWS also. Additionally, Parallels has cost optimization for Azure managed disks which helps pays for itself.

Free 30 day trial here:

Good luck with your search.



Hi Sandra,

Thank you so much for that information.

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