Headers - OIPI (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 28 JAN 2005 04:34:36PM Warren Auyong wrote:
Okay, OI v7.01
I can't get headers (page and column) to print out.
SET_PRINTER('HEADER',p1,p2,p3) returns 1
I tried the code example in the HELPS to no advantage. Column text prints out as specified in the HEADER call, just no headers.
What am I missing?
At 31 JAN 2005 09:40AM Bob Orsini wrote:
This was corrected in 7.1
At 31 JAN 2005 10:36AM Warren Auyong wrote:
Thanks. Guess I'm forced to go to v7.1 as we have a dozen or so reports so affected.