Logging off user after workstation idle (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 02 APR 2012 10:19:36PM Chris Meyer wrote:
Never having used idleproc property, what is the preferred procedure to log off a user after the user has not accessed OI for say 90 minutes. This is for security reasons if the user leaves OI open while not present (or goes home)
Do not know what event I can capture to indicate if the user has/is accessing OI.
Any suggestions would be grateful. Sample code would be much appreciated.
At 10 APR 2012 08:18AM mike ruane wrote:
On the create event of the menu, do something similar to this:
call set_property(@window,"TIMER", 10000)
call set_property(@window,"@TIME",time())
And then, on the timer event of the menu (MDI Frame), have something similar to this:
call yield()
Time = get_property(@window,'@TIME')
CurrTime = time()
DeltaTime = CurrTime - Time
if it has been 60 minutes / 3600 seconds If DeltaTime > 3600 then x = dialog_box('AUTOSHUTDOWN', @window, '') End Have various processes update the @TIME property of the MDI Frame, as needed. Hope it helps- Mike </QUOTE> View this thread on the Works forum...