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At 29 OCT 2008 02:13:34PM Mike Ruane wrote:

I've been working with a client over the past few days and I thought I should mention that they are running the OpenInsight system on a Mac.

They are using Parallels Desktop for Mac. No problems found so far, and they are using OpenInsight 8.0.7.

Just an FYI.

At 29 OCT 2008 05:55PM Matthew Crozier wrote:

Hi Mike,

Is this with OIPI, or other OLE controls?

Cheers, M@


At 29 OCT 2008 06:51PM's Paul Simonsen wrote:


I have had success as well, running OI (all versions back to 3.7.4) in addition to ARev within Parallels on a Mac. I have been able to make full use of the OIPI and all of the SRP OLE controls. So far, on the Intel based Macs, it acts and operates just like a Windows machine.

I'm not sure if you made it to my session at the Las Vegas conference, but I actually ran my presentation and OI demonstrations from a Mac.

I made a previous post regarding this a little while ago if you are interested in the different options available to you. Here is the link.

Hope this helps,

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 30 OCT 2008 06:11PM Matthew Crozier wrote:

Hi Paul,

Ahh - that rings a bell now. So will, say, connecting to MS Word via DDE I know!, haven't got around to OLE yet to do a merge should work too? And would OLE controls like MSXML2.XMLHTTP be available?

Cheers, M@


At 31 OCT 2008 01:17AM's Paul Simonsen wrote:


In the Parallels WinXP area, I have installed and configured Apache, OECGI, as well as make xml calls through the MSXML2.XMLHTTP ole control with success. I have used MS Office 2007 which works like a charm too. I haven't tested it, but can't think of any reason why using DDE would not work.

I've also been able to load and run MS Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition, The GreenBow VPN, Arev with full EMS support, and an old copy of PCAnywhere (some clients just won't upgrade =)

Hope this helps,

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 03 NOV 2008 07:22PM Tony Cowley wrote:

I have been using OI on a Mac using VMWare Fusion for about 12 months. The only issue I have is the keyboard configuration with inserting rows into an edit table, as I am using a macbook pro notebook (I have implemented a work around that works wonderfully well).

VMWare fusion can be started full screen, windowed or in unity with the Mac OS X. Folders and data can be shared and using the Mac is a breeze. Being an avid Mac fan, I am currently working on interfacing the OI system I am developing with the Mac Mail, Address Book and Calendar –] Mac has a wonderful scripting language and the interface should be resolved. I will update when complete.

I noticed recently that the OIL product popularity has dwindled. Stating that and noticing more topics for OI on Mac, I will pose a question (not sure of this is the correct place for it, but) Would Revelation consider a release of OI for the Mac?

I know I will certainly use it and I know other that would implement the system I am developing on a Mac. Just a thought and I believe there could be some long term advantages.

At 04 NOV 2008 07:11AM Mike Ruane wrote:


What would we have to change to make a release for Mac?

Or, are you thinking a native implementation, rather than using Parallels or another similar tool?


At 04 NOV 2008 08:45PM Tony Cowley wrote:


I was thinking of a native implementation.


Tony C.

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