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At 01 MAR 2021 06:21:14PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

OI 10.08.1

I have F1 as help on forms

Also have SF1 on same form

When I call SF1 and the record I called is locked, the help gets auto displayed.

So i get a message the record is locked, continue to view, and the help pops up over the top..

It's quite annoying when it happens

When I don't read the record, ie stop it in the create event then the help doesn't come up.

Can I turn it off somewhere or is this in the back end?



At 01 MAR 2021 10:06PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

Also happens when I call an external procedure

And only on Shift F1

Not any other keys


At 02 MAR 2021 05:09AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Gerry,

Just to clarify:

You have a primary form with the following menu shortcuts defined:

1) An item bound to F1 that executes a Help window

2) An item bound to Shift-F1 that executes a different secondary data-bound form.

When you use (2) to execute your secondary form, and it hits the "View-Only" message when attempting to READ, clicking OK on that message then executes the Help window that would have been called from (1) above?

However, if you stop the READ by intercepting it in the secondary form's CREATE event the Help window doesn't appear?


Carl Pates

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