Check Out Functionality (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 24 OCT 2008 12:27:40PM Leon Shaffer wrote:
We are having an error. After selecting the entities, in this case a stored procedure, I put in the correct path to the OI that I wanted to push the entity to. The error message is 'No Entity Selected For Checking-Out'. However, we did select an entity and it was displaying as if it were ready to go. Any ideas?
At 28 OCT 2008 08:17AM Sean FitzSimons wrote:
Was the check-out path a full path (drive letter and all) or a relative path ("./my path")? Sean </QUOTE> —- === At 28 OCT 2008 09:21AM Leon Shaffer wrote: === <QUOTE>Direct Path & relative have been tried. </QUOTE> View this thread on the Works forum...