PERFORM issues (AREV32)
At 15 MAY 2012 09:49:03AM Michael Matthews wrote:
I've run our Arev 3.12 app through the Arev32 conversion process, and there were no errors. However, the application logon process dies with an "ENG0015.. Illegal opcode: 93" error. This happens anytime a PERFORM statement is involved, no matter what is being PERFORMed. VOC, LISTS etc. are all present and attached.
Any thoughts?
At 15 MAY 2012 12:20PM Bob Orsini wrote:
Copy the original dict.voc from to the current system. Make sure you did not attach an old sysobj from AREV.
At 15 MAY 2012 12:35PM Michael Matthews wrote:
Copied in Dict.Voc.. the Sysobj table is what's on Revboot (in OI). I get the same issues.
What is it about PERFORM's that is blowing it out?
At 17 MAY 2012 03:36PM Bob Orsini wrote:
Michael, if you want you can send the system to us and I can take a look at it.
Send me an email at