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At 06 SEP 2023 06:59:38PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Client is getting a SYS1000 errors after years of running.

I know the usual response is 'network error'.

The screen shot sent shows the mdi menu and data entry form with the error 'SYS1000 error loading program SET_FSERROR'

Does this mean that the progam is missing, or a network issue just happened at the time it tried to load it, seeing that other stuff loaded with no issue?

At 06 SEP 2023 07:30PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Client is getting a SYS1000 errors after years of running.

I know the usual response is 'network error'.

The screen shot sent shows the mdi menu and data entry form with the error 'SYS1000 error loading program SET_FSERROR'

Does this mean that the progam is missing, or a network issue just happened at the time it tried to load it, seeing that other stuff loaded with no issue?

Usual response: 'network error'. :wink:

99.9% unlikely that the program is missing. You can confirm by checking SYSOBJ. What you are seeing is the usual syntax when OI tries to load a program but is unable because it is disconnected from the server ( i.e., 'network error' ).

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 06 SEP 2023 07:34PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Client is getting a SYS1000 errors after years of running.

I know the usual response is 'network error'.

The screen shot sent shows the mdi menu and data entry form with the error 'SYS1000 error loading program SET_FSERROR'

Does this mean that the progam is missing, or a network issue just happened at the time it tried to load it, seeing that other stuff loaded with no issue?

Usual response: 'network error'. :wink:

99.9% unlikely that the program is missing. You can confirm by checking SYSOBJ. What you are seeing is the usual syntax when OI tries to load a program but is unable because it is disconnected from the server ( i.e., 'network error' ).

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

Thanks Don

At 06 SEP 2023 07:35PM Donald Bakke wrote:

  • third_party_content/community/commentary/forums_works/b900ed33e3e4a04aab573f825aac07e7.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/10 16:16
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