Update only - Data Warehousing (None Specified)
At 17 JUN 1998 06:54:45PM Dave Smith wrote:
Could someone please explain how Update only - data warehousing works? I have my OI sharing files with ARev. The first time I warehouse to SQL Server, I warehouse the entire file. I then go
into ARev and change a record. I then run the warehousing to do
updates only. The record I changed, does not seem to be changed
in the warehouse. Shouldn't it?
At 22 JUN 1998 08:02AM Cameron Purdy wrote:
In OpenInsight, there is an MFS which sits on the table and logs changes to the table. There is no such MFS present in Arev. It is possible to adapt the MFS for Arev so that this would work. Please contact your technical support representative and explain what you need. The name of the routines used to implement transaction queueing are XQ, XQ_MFS and the XQ_EQUATES record.
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software