How to Copy Form (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 17 NOV 2003 11:58:40AM Dave Berkovsky wrote:
I have two applications, APP_A and APP_B, both are inherited from
SYSPROG. What would be a procedure to copy Form from APP_A to
APP_B. I read previous post which mentioned CopyForm. Is it OI
utility? If it is where do I find it?
At 17 NOV 2003 11:58AM Donald Bakke wrote:
The CopyForm utility does not come with OpenInsight out of the box. You can download it from this page.
At 17 NOV 2003 11:58AM Dave Berkovsky wrote:
I am using OI 4.13, but can not locate CopyForm in OI Form
At 17 NOV 2003 11:58AM SCarlson wrote:
Copyform is found in the Application Manager under:
Openinsight Executibles
Openinsight Forms ExecutiblesCopyForm (Shift-double-click to execute.)Note: you need to be in the "Target" application you want the form
copied to.
See my prior post on editing/re-compiling all events containing scripts.
Steve Carlson
At 17 NOV 2003 11:58AM SCarlson wrote:
Thanks for finding that download page for Dave. I remembered downloading that years ago…but couldn't remember from where. I thought by now it would "integrated" into OI.
Steve C.
At 17 NOV 2003 11:58AM Dave Berkovsky wrote:
Thank you Don.
At 17 NOV 2003 11:58AM wrote:
Go to href=]here[/url] for an interesting discussion on the repository and tcompile.
Look for Repository in the Mist .. by Gary Gnu
I, myself (like Me, Myself and Irene), LOVE the repository. It has been the Ugly Stepchild of OI. With a little work the repository could become a very very useful tool.
But with a little work it does become understandable .. even if my english is not
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