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At 05 OCT 2004 01:45:08AM Warren Auyong wrote:

Okay, I created a new image entity for a bitmap.

Under application properties I set the logon banner to that image entity (unchecking no application logon banner of course).

When I logon I get the bitmap I set it to.

However if I go to another workstation and login I get the standard OI banner. When I look at the application properties the banner is set to the proper image.

How do I make the banner 'universal' (other than overwriting the standard OI bitmap)?

At 14 OCT 2004 12:14PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

I think this in controlled by the oinsight.ini file located in the Windows folder. Either copy the same .ini file to each workstation, or insert this line:

LogonBanner_(Appname)=..\(Path)\(Image Filename).BMP

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