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At 20 APR 2006 05:26:46AM Richard Channer wrote:

Hi All,

A site just reported that during normal use, the app stops responding, and users can no longer log back in. The UD service was checked and the status had stopped (Status blank) but nobody has stopped it.

The service is re-started and after a period of around 45 munutes (varies), the service stops again.

It seems not to matter if the type is manual or automatic - for some reason it is stopping.

Any way I can find out how or why this is happening?



At 20 APR 2006 08:16AM Kevin Ruane Revelation Software wrote:


Any information in the Event Viewer on the Server?

You can also try the lh3srvc.log. Create it in the directory where the lh3srvc.exe resides and restart the Service. It may provide clues as to what is going on.


At 20 APR 2006 08:35AM Rich Channer wrote:

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the response - I will foward on the request and see what we get…


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