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At 27 SEP 2020 08:31:51PM Barry Stevens wrote:

"The SDK is implemented as Win32 API dynamic-link library (DLL)."

Is this something that can be installed and called from OI.

Do we have experts here that would be able to guide or is there any suitable reference in the docs.

At 27 SEP 2020 10:50PM Donald Bakke wrote:

"The SDK is implemented as Win32 API dynamic-link library (DLL)."

Is this something that can be installed and called from OI.

Do we have experts here that would be able to guide or is there any suitable reference in the docs.

Barry - OpenInsight can work with 3rd party DLLs. You might need the help of someone who is more familiar with the relevant data types and you might need a wrapper to avoid integration issues that OpenInsight can't support natively. The primary chapter in the Programmer's Reference Guide to get you started is Chapter 6: Calling DLL Functions from BASIC+.

There are a few consultants around here who can definitely help: Bob Carten and Bryan Shumsky from Revelation, Carl from Sprezzatura, Kevin from SRP…to name a few. I'm sure they will be happy to help as much as possible here but be prepared to request professional consulting.

Also, I assume this is for OI 9 and not OI 10.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 27 SEP 2020 10:58PM Barry Stevens wrote:

"The SDK is implemented as Win32 API dynamic-link library (DLL)."

Is this something that can be installed and called from OI.

Do we have experts here that would be able to guide or is there any suitable reference in the docs.

Barry - OpenInsight can work with 3rd party DLLs. You might need the help of someone who is more familiar with the relevant data types and you might need a wrapper to avoid integration issues that OpenInsight can't support natively. The primary chapter in the Programmer's Reference Guide to get you started is Chapter 6: Calling DLL Functions from BASIC+.

There are a few consultants around here who can definitely help: Bob Carten and Bryan Shumsky from Revelation, Carl from Sprezzatura, Kevin from SRP…to name a few. I'm sure they will be happy to help as much as possible here but be prepared to request professional consulting.

Also, I assume this is for OI 9 and not OI 10.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

Thanks Don.

Yes OI9

OI10 any easier?

At 27 SEP 2020 11:34PM Donald Bakke wrote:

OI10 any easier?

In some respects, yes. OI 10 does have a dedicated tool for defintion DLL functions. My purpose for asking the question is because this appears to only be a Win32 API DLL. This would not work in OI 10.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 27 SEP 2020 11:47PM Barry Stevens wrote:

OI10 any easier?

In some respects, yes. OI 10 does have a dedicated tool for defintion DLL functions. My purpose for asking the question is because this appears to only be a Win32 API DLL. This would not work in OI 10.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

Whoo, that's something I need to be careful of. Need to ensure there is also a Win32 API DLL…does that also include 64bit PC

At 27 SEP 2020 11:53PM Donald Bakke wrote:

…does that also include 64bit PC

No. 64bit PCs (which you are almost certainly using right now) support 32bit software because Windows uses a compatibility subsystem. Eventually, 32bit support will be dropped just as 16bit support was eventually dropped.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 28 SEP 2020 01:23AM Barry Stevens wrote:

…does that also include 64bit PC

No. 64bit PCs (which you are almost certainly using right now) support 32bit software because Windows uses a compatibility subsystem. Eventually, 32bit support will be dropped just as 16bit support was eventually dropped.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

thank you

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