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At 17 NOV 2023 09:44:21AM BrianWick wrote:

in zipping up my system I noticed a massive 6.1 GB file REV53028 in the O4WFILES folder.

Seems to be much bigger in OI 10.2

What is that filename



At 17 NOV 2023 10:10AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

O4WTEMP. 3K on my system ;)

The Sprezzatura Group

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At 17 NOV 2023 10:28AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Brian. The O4WTEMP is designed to be "self cleaning" but if that goes wrong, it can grow (as you've seen) if you're an O4W user.

What I'd suggest is, if there's a time when you can ensure there are no active O4W users, you can clear that table manually. Note that if it is as large as you say, it can take a while….

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 17 NOV 2023 10:54AM BrianWick wrote:

tx andrew.

OI 10.2 installs with a massive O4WTEMP file

tc for chimming in .


At 17 NOV 2023 12:15PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Brian.

As far as I can tell, the REV53028 file (located in the O4WFILES subfolder of your OI directory) ships (in a "full install" of OI 10.2.0) with a file size of 3k. The one in 10.2.1 is also 3k.

The file isn't shipped out with an "update" installation - rather, the one you already have is kept. So perhaps you're seeing a very full (and needing to be purged) O4WTEMP file that's on your own system…?

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 20 NOV 2023 11:33AM BrianWick wrote:

Thanks Bryan -

Yes - the size went away after one processing cycle.



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