OI10 dbt details (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 03 AUG 2021 08:39:30AM cmeyer wrote:
Where can I find the OI10 DBT details, the equivalent of OI9 database manager.
Any advice would be grateful.
At 03 AUG 2021 08:45AM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Chris,
Most of the OI9 DB Manager functionality is now in the Database Tool-panel (use the context menus)- there are also a few general DB tools in the IDE Tools/Database menu.
Is there anything specific you were looking for?
At 03 AUG 2021 09:12AM cmeyer wrote:
iI programattically attach the database (various customer data). I inadvertantly (not sure how), but there are some customer files attached when launching OI10.1 in development mode. I would like to remove these file just like I can in OI9 using the databse manager. In Oi9 I only have 5 folders attached:
Only PBC_MAIN contains my files. The other 10 customer folders are attached when I run the MDI2015 startup MDI.
Any advice would be grateful.
At 03 AUG 2021 09:18AM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Chris,
Right-click on the folder in the database panel and select "Remove Volume"
At 03 AUG 2021 09:28AM cmeyer wrote:
Sorry to be a nuisance and my ignorance but where is the database panel within the RTI_IDE. Is it a particular entity type? The Datasources and Database columns details are empty.
At 03 AUG 2021 09:32AM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Chris,
No worries
IDE View Menu/Tool Panels/Database
At 03 AUG 2021 09:39AM cmeyer wrote:
Thanks Carl,
The reason I could not find it was the Database panel width was very narrow all I could see were the start details.
At 03 AUG 2021 03:34PM BrianWick wrote:
Post removed by author
At 03 AUG 2021 03:35PM BrianWick wrote:
OOpes -correctiong
Ctrl+Alt+D is the shortcut to the DB Panel