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At 09 JUN 2006 07:01:16PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

I normally get code from my co-worker by using the check out dialog.

He just sent me some code and I did the following:

Development / Check out. New check out.

Check the from button box, type in a location for the check out path and hit the Entities button. I normally get the edit table populated with entities.

Now I get "No repository format exists at the specified location".

My first thought was he has sent me bad files. However old files of his that used to work no longer work either they give the same error.

The only thing I think of that is different is the patch from RTI that I just applied.


At 10 JUN 2006 12:03AM's Don Bakke wrote:


Are you sure he didn't create the files with the UD3 driver and you aren't trying to load them with another client?

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 10 JUN 2006 03:39AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

We're seeing something similar when trying to check out TO another copy of OI. We're awaiting confirmation before we post to the bug tracker.

The Sprezzatura Group

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 10 JUN 2006 12:33PM Gerald Lovel wrote:

You know, I had to increase the size of my shorts to hold all the pain of UD3 incompatibility. Or at least, that's my excuse.

At 10 JUN 2006 06:14PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

Just tried changing to the UD 3 driver; it made no difference.

At 12 JUN 2006 07:30AM Mike Ruane wrote:


Can you send the checkout in a zip to We'll take a look at it. Also, we'll need the name of the application.


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