Change Printer (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 21 OCT 2011 04:10:28PM Sandra D'Angelo wrote:
I am having difficulty changing the printer for a job. We are trying to switch to a local script printer for a single print job. The client is connecting to the application via remote desktop. When we choose the printer as the default printer we can print but when we send it as a printerstring in parameter 6 of the INIT command, the job goes to the default printer. I have tried sending the port number in parameter 6 field 2. I checked that the name of the printer is in the device string and also checked the currentdevice name when we set the script printer as the default. So I am pretty sure we are sending the correct printer string and we are checking that the printer string is in the device list prior to printing. Any ideas why the printer is not redirecting? This is OI9.2.1. Thank you in advance.
At 26 OCT 2011 01:29PM Bob Orsini wrote:
Is the currentdevice the printer that is in the init command. Use a get printer currentdevice right after the init.