Building the Mobile Pizza Application.pdf (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 14 FEB 2022 08:32:54PM Barry Stevens wrote:
Some of the screenshots have truncated entry data, so a bit hard to work out what the full data line is.
Image Properties →Image URL
What part of this goes in there:
I would then assume the answer to this would apply to all the other paths that are required for items in the Pizza_Files folder
my 'Physical Path for Virtual Directory' is O4W
Using Internal Server
At 14 FEB 2022 08:52PM Barry Stevens wrote:
Some of the screenshots have truncated entry data, so a bit hard to work out what the full data line is.
Image Properties →Image URL
What part of this goes in there:
I would then assume the answer to this would apply to all the other paths that are required for items in the Pizza_Files folder
my 'Physical Path for Virtual Directory' is O4W
Using Internal Server
<ticked> Before page is drawn [PREDRAW_PAGE]
Should'nt there be an event for PREDRAW_PAGE created
Commuter module generated is:
FUNCTION O4WCM2_PIZZA_ENTRY(CtlEntId, Event, Request) * Auto-generated by O4W_DESIGN_FORM at 12:49:58 15 FEB 2022 * Standard equates $Insert O4WEquates $Insert O4W_Design_Form_Equates $Insert O4W_COMMUTER_COMMON rtnValue = 1 Begin Case End Case Return rtnValue
At 15 FEB 2022 09:10AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Barry. Sorry that the info in the PDF is truncated. This is a URL, so we specify it as a relative reference to where the web site is - since you'll get to this page via http:<yoursite>/<virtualdir>/oecgi4.exe/O4W_RUN_FORM…, the web server thinks our current location is <virtualdir>/oecgi4.exe. To get to the images, we have to go "up" a directory (so that we're back in <virtualdir>, and then "down" from there. So the (relative) URL you would specify is: ../Pizza_Files/revguy_normal.jpg It's actually a little tricky, and sometimes takes a bit of trial and error to make sure you get the path correct. Re: your question on the predraw_page event - did you already have your commuter module generated? Did you tell the designer to rebuild the commuter module? Did you tell it to overwrite the existing commuter module? Thanks, - Bryan Shumsky Revelation Software, Inc. </QUOTE> —- === At 15 FEB 2022 07:12PM Barry Stevens wrote: === <QUOTE> <QUOTE>Hi, Barry. Sorry that the info in the PDF is truncated. This is a URL, so we specify it as a relative reference to where the web site is - since you'll get to this page via http:<yoursite>/<virtualdir>/oecgi4.exe/O4W_RUN_FORM…, the web server thinks our current location is <virtualdir>/oecgi4.exe. To get to the images, we have to go "up" a directory (so that we're back in <virtualdir>, and then "down" from there.
So the (relative) URL you would specify is:
It's actually a little tricky, and sometimes takes a bit of trial and error to make sure you get the path correct.
Re: your question on the predraw_page event - did you already have your commuter module generated? Did you tell the designer to rebuild the commuter module? Did you tell it to overwrite the existing commuter module?
- Bryan Shumsky
did you already have your commuter module generated? Did you tell the designer to rebuild the commuter module? Did you tell it to overwrite the existing commuter module?
Yes to all
I think what worries me is that I am not sure if it is me OR I am finding bugs.
So would it be safe to assume that as I am just doing simple example stuff all this has been tested and assurance is working to spec.
At 16 FEB 2022 07:16AM bshumsky wrote:
did you already have your commuter module generated? Did you tell the designer to rebuild the commuter module? Did you tell it to overwrite the existing commuter module?Yes to all
I think what worries me is that I am not sure if it is me OR I am finding bugs.
So would it be safe to assume that as I am just doing simple example stuff all this has been tested and assurance is working to spec.
Hi, Barry. Even though you're doing a "simple example", the O4W form designer is incredibly complex "behind the scenes", and so - like any software - there is a chance that a bug has crept in, so I don't think you will find a software company that will provide "assurance (everything) is working to spec". What I can tell you is, if you try something, and you find it isn't working, and you report it in full details, then we will investigate it and try to fix it.
Regarding this specific issue, I encourage you to make sure 100% you've done it as expected, and if it's not working, report it as a bug and we'll take a look.
- Bryan Shumsky
At 16 FEB 2022 03:19PM Barry Stevens wrote:
did you already have your commuter module generated? Did you tell the designer to rebuild the commuter module? Did you tell it to overwrite the existing commuter module?Yes to all
I think what worries me is that I am not sure if it is me OR I am finding bugs.
So would it be safe to assume that as I am just doing simple example stuff all this has been tested and assurance is working to spec.
Hi, Barry. Even though you're doing a "simple example", the O4W form designer is incredibly complex "behind the scenes", and so - like any software - there is a chance that a bug has crept in, so I don't think you will find a software company that will provide "assurance (everything) is working to spec". What I can tell you is, if you try something, and you find it isn't working, and you report it in full details, then we will investigate it and try to fix it.
Regarding this specific issue, I encourage you to make sure 100% you've done it as expected, and if it's not working, report it as a bug and we'll take a look.
- Bryan Shumsky
Thank you for your help