At 25 SEP 2012 08:39:31PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
We created a simple brw report in 9.3.2 listing sales persons.
Then registered it on the web login and tried to testrun it
We get the following error:
Error during report generation: -2147352570
Tried to Google it but not much luck,
Is there any setting or rights that need to change for this to work?
Gerry van Niekerk.
At 25 SEP 2012 10:14PM bshumsky wrote:
We created a simple brw report in 9.3.2 listing sales persons.
Then registered it on the web login and tried to testrun it
We get the following error:
Error during report generation: -2147352570
Tried to Google it but not much luck,
Is there any setting or rights that need to change for this to work?
Gerry van Niekerk.
Hi Gerry.
when running o4w from a service, you'll need to make sure that the service user has permissions to create and call.
net assemblies.
- Bryan Shumsky
At 26 SEP 2012 04:21AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Thanks Bryan,
Ran clientsetup for 932 and it all worked.
Is there a way to display the pdf rather than just downloading it?
Also on Rev web site have to click o4w by date twice to get list by date to come up correctly
At 26 SEP 2012 04:34AM bshumsky wrote:
Thanks Bryan,
Ran clientsetup for 932 and it all worked.
Is there a way to display the pdf rather than just downloading it?
Also on Rev web site have to click o4w by date twice to get list by date to come up correctly
Hi, Gerry. Sorry, I'd assumed you'd already run the clientsetup - glad that worked.
If you want to put the PDF "in the page" rather than as a download, change the URL so that it has "Attach=0" as one of the parameters (ie, "http://xxx/o4w/oecgi3.exe/O4W_BRWREPORT?ReportName=XXX&Attach=0")
- Bryan Shumsky
At 26 SEP 2012 05:42AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Thanks seems to work,
Was registered as 931 and different folder.
Will remember next time though.
At 04 OCT 2012 09:09PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
The BRW Interface is cool
Few Questions:
1. When we call the BRW we pass in the session info, any way of hiding this so it doesn't display, ie we use the override list option and the list name is the session info.
2. when printing an invoice and we have multiple lines (ie mvs), if you add a format to it then multi lines don't work, if u use dicts only it works but any amounts ending in 00 ie 1123.00 displays as 1123 only with no formatting.
if any amounts contain cents then it all displays correctly.
3. When we have multi lines (mvs) and we wrap for instance the description then the corresponding amounts moves up ie doesn't line up correctly, any way to do this?
Thanks REV
We are starting to get the hang of it slowly, and it is looking good.
Gerry van Niekerk
At 04 OCT 2012 10:48PM bshumsky wrote:
The BRW Interface is cool
Few Questions:
1. When we call the BRW we pass in the session info, any way of hiding this so it doesn't display, ie we use the override list option and the list name is the session info.
2. when printing an invoice and we have multiple lines (ie mvs), if you add a format to it then multi lines don't work, if u use dicts only it works but any amounts ending in 00 ie 1123.00 displays as 1123 only with no formatting.
if any amounts contain cents then it all displays correctly.
3. When we have multi lines (mvs) and we wrap for instance the description then the corresponding amounts moves up ie doesn't line up correctly, any way to do this?
Thanks REV
We are starting to get the hang of it slowly, and it is looking good.
Gerry van Niekerk
Hi, Gerry. If you don't do anything "special" with the multivalues, then they are treated as just big strings with carriage return/line feeds replacing the value marks. As such, the ONLY data type they can be in the BRW is a "string", and thus no other formatting will apply to them.
The way around this is to define the associated multivalue fields in their own report, and then in the "parent" report (for example, the order header information) you can "link" to the "subreport" (in this example, the detail lines). If you do this, each value of each field is treated as its own piece of data, and you can apply formatting, etc. In addition, the multiple lines that messed up due to "wrapping" will be handled properly.
Take a look at that feature, and see if it works for you?
Hope that helps,
- Bryan Shumsky