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At 11 DEC 2007 03:51:56AM Colin Rule wrote:

We have some clients who have backup servers in place, with an exact duplicate of the OI application. This allows the immediate reinstatement of a server if one server goes down or has to be restarted etc.

Do many of you in the Revelation world have clients like this, and if so how is the OI Runtime licencing handled?

We dont want to get in trouble with Mike, he buys you a beer when you meet him on the Sydney ferry.


At 11 DEC 2007 11:14AM S Mecklenberg wrote:

I would be interested in the answer to this question as well. We use NeverFail as our failover system in LAS, the way we envisions, is that we shutdown corporate headquarters and gen'up LAS as the backup system, so no two licenses are up at the same time.

but clarification would be advantageous given critical mission systems, web applications, failover system, etc

also, will dual-core chips be an issue with RTI licensing, are you checking applications or processors on the servers/workstations?

InformationWeek had a great article on endoftheline for software licensing given virtualization and multicore processors - as we are implementing both in our network.


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