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At 23 NOV 2022 07:36:23AM cmeyer wrote:

Has anyone performed a scanning function directly from within OI.

My task is to create a "Scan Invoice" button on a form, and after having entered the invoice number, save the resulting PDF in the creditors invoice folder, all with the press of a button.

The client has an Epson DS-860 scanner. I assume the Twain or ISIS drivers can be accessed directly from with the OI environment.

Any advice/guidance would be much appreciated.


At 23 NOV 2022 10:10AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Has anyone performed a scanning function directly from within OI.

My task is to create a "Scan Invoice" button on a form, and after having entered the invoice number, save the resulting PDF in the creditors invoice folder, all with the press of a button.

The client has an Epson DS-860 scanner. I assume the Twain or ISIS drivers can be accessed directly from with the OI environment.

Any advice/guidance would be much appreciated.


It has been a long time, but we used an ActiveX control that was a wrapper around TWAIN. The company doesn't seem to be supporting this anymore. I suggest doing a Google search for other vendors. This would certainly be the easiest way to integrate a solution into OpenInsight.

I was also relatively certain Sprezz created a commercial solution for this but I cannot find it on their website so perhaps I'm thinking of another tool they wrote. I'm sure they will chime in if they have something.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 23 NOV 2022 03:03PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Has anyone performed a scanning function directly from within OI.

My task is to create a "Scan Invoice" button on a form, and after having entered the invoice number, save the resulting PDF in the creditors invoice folder, all with the press of a button.

The client has an Epson DS-860 scanner. I assume the Twain or ISIS drivers can be accessed directly from with the OI environment.

Any advice/guidance would be much appreciated.


This looks promising

I am sure the forum will help converting the vb code to basic+

=== At 24 NOV 2022 08:10AM Andrew McAuley wrote: ===

Thanks Don

We do have a 32 bit product and it has successfully scanned tens of millions of pages BUT we've had no demand to create a 64 bit version yet, so we're not rushing to convert :)

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

=== At 24 NOV 2022 08:41AM Donald Bakke wrote: ===

Thanks Don

We do have a 32 bit product and it has successfully scanned tens of millions of pages BUT we've had no demand to create a 64 bit version yet, so we're not rushing to convert :)

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

This appears to be posted in the OpenInsight 32-bit category.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

=== At 24 NOV 2022 08:53AM Andrew McAuley wrote: ===

Touché Mr Bakke, touché! :biggrin:

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

=== At 25 NOV 2022 04:16AM Andrew McAuley wrote: ===

Also worth noting that the solution is OLD old. It's a 16bit exe so needs a 32 bit OS. I was just using the Internet Way Back Machine to read about it nearly 20 years ago :).

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

=== At 25 NOV 2022 04:26AM Martyn wrote: ===

Hi Chris,

I will drop you an email about Sprezzatura's S/Scan.

Best regards,


=== At 26 NOV 2022 03:26AM cmeyer wrote: ===

Thanks for your advice but I am pursuing another solution:

Store the PDF in a predetermined "Scanned" folder by saving an email attachment or scanning document.

Record the PDF details (Creditors invoice) in an OI record by viewing the PDF.

Once all the required details have been entered rename the document to the creditor invoice No and move the PDF to the "Approved" folder.

Then process the creditors invoice as normal using the pre corded details where possible.


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