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At 28 DEC 2004 11:19:40AM Warren Auyong wrote:

Okay, I cloned a complete copy of our 7.01 OI system, data tables, OI developer directory etc. I changed the DB to attach the proper directories. REVPARAM files changed to SERVERONLY=0. Everything works fine.

Apply 7.1 update. Completes successfully. Network driver set to Allnetworks 2.1.

Can login to SYSPROG and EXAMPLES which appear to run fine.

When I log into our application after a few seconds I get a message box "Program Error: OINSIGHT.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart this program. An error log is being created."

No error log is found in the event viewer.

Workstation: Windows 2000 (5.00.2195) SP4, Compaq/HP P4 1.70GHz 128Mb RAM.

I suspect this is caused by one of our MFSs as it was working on an ancient conversion copy of the datafiles that may not have all the MFS definitions installed in the REVMEDIA entries.

Any ideas?

At 28 DEC 2004 11:59AM Donald Bakke wrote:


Any chance you are using the UV bond and/or working through Terminal Server? We are just now discovering a similar problem (i.e. a system crash as you described) when those two elements are combined.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 28 DEC 2004 12:12PM Warren Auyong wrote:

No, it was doing this locally, and through PC Anywhere.

I removed all of our MFSs. Went back in and crash.

I copied the SYSPROG DBT over the application DBT and redid the attaches and it looks like it is working.

At 28 DEC 2004 12:48PM Mike Ruane wrote:


Don, what problems are you guys having? Are they new, as opposed to the stuff Bob was already going through?

At 28 DEC 2004 01:43PM Donald Bakke wrote:


This is related to Bob's project but we have only just discovered this problem. Bob F. is planning on contacting Bob C. about this today…although I just remembered that Bob C. is on vacation.

We are attempting to launch the exact same application (OI 7.1 attaching UV tables) in three scenarios. Here's the rundown:

1. Through a local workstation connected to a LAN - No problems.

2. Through our Terminal Server using our private internal IP address (which can only be done within our firewall) - No problems.

3. Through the same Terminal Server using our public external IP address (which is done remotely and gets mapped by our firewall to the internal IP) - We get a "OINSIGHT.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows…" error message.

We don't have any other OpenInsight problems with our Terminal Server (internal or external). In fact, we can log into SYSPROG on this particular copy of OI without any issues either. But when we attempt to log into the appliction with the UV tables then it crashes.

Let me know if you would like any other information. We are hoping to clear this up pretty soon. Our client was hoping to get a prototype delivered by the end of this year.


SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 28 DEC 2004 01:46PM Warren Auyong wrote:


I'm not sure what Bob has going on.

However, I upgraded a local copy of 7.01 to 7.1, then cloned the live datafiles on to the local drive. After I changed the attaches in the Database Manager to point to the cloned datafiles, OI would just shut down with an error message after a few seconds.

I suspected our MFSs might be the culprit, but after removing them the problem persisted. I rebuilt the DBT using the SYSPROG.DBT as the starting point which appears to have fixed the problem. I added the MFSs back and it still looks to be ok.

At 28 DEC 2004 03:53PM Donald Bakke wrote:


We have a copy of the error dump if you want it. Here's the actual error description that it contained:

The application, , generated an application error The error occurred on 12/28/2004 @ 11:03:00.775 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 030F1745 (uvrpc_get_machid)

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 28 DEC 2004 04:21PM Warren Auyong wrote:


I restored the 7.01 version, changed the attaches in the DBM to the cloned data. No problems. After upgrading to 7.1 OI would shut down after a few seconds. Rebuilding the DBT using SYSPROG.DBT seems to have cleared the problem up.

At 28 DEC 2004 04:41PM Mike Ruane wrote:


That looks like an error in the intercall code.

I'll keep investigating it.


At 29 DEC 2004 01:36PM Pat McNerthney wrote:

I suspect the call to a UV native routine is not ensuring that a string is null byte terminated. This can be done either by appending a \00\ or by using a paremeter declaration that appends it.


At 29 DEC 2004 02:08PM Mike Ruane wrote:


Can you walk through the programs step by step and tell me wher it's breaking, or is it all in a black box?


At 29 DEC 2004 02:42PM Donald Bakke wrote:


This happens when OpenInsight is loading on its own. I suspect it is happening when it attempts to attach the tables defined in the .DBT file. I can attempt to see what OpenEngine last executed before it crashes if you would like.

BTW, as a test we used Remote Desktop Connection to externally connect to a workstation as well as Terminal Server. Only Terminal Server seems to be giving us this problem.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 29 DEC 2004 02:48PM Donald Bakke wrote:


I went ahead and asked Paul (the only person who can connect remotely for us at the moment) to check the OpenEngine process. He said the last process to execute is:


SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 29 DEC 2004 03:41PM Pat McNerthney wrote:


You could also create both a lh(3).log file and a oeprofile.log file to see if that log narrows it down any closer.


At 29 DEC 2004 05:13PM Donald Bakke wrote:


We created the log files. I'm not sure what to look for in this situation. Here are the last few lines from each file:






OP REV30014 27 OK




 RTP27 12388
  RTP57 12388
   RTP57A 12388
   RTP57A 12458 70
  RTP57 12458 70
 RTP27 12458 70

I have these "failed" log files and "success" log files if you want me to send them to you. The LH2.LOG files are fairly similar and I can see where the last line in the above dump appears but continues in the successfl LH2.LOG. The OEPROFILE.LOG files were a lot more difficult to compare. I'm not sure where the common ground is between them.

Let me know if you want or need them.


SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 29 DEC 2004 06:28PM Pat McNerthney wrote:


I am pretty sure that the IC_OPENSESSION call is causing the failure. We'll investigate.


At 03 JAN 2005 02:47PM dsigafoos wrote:

I am wondering if InterCall is not causing the problem.


At 08 JAN 2005 10:27PM dsig _at_ wrote:

has there been any resolution on this issue?

dsig _at_ onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"

David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions

Phone: 971.570.2005

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