Running 9x and 10x side by side (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 04 MAR 2022 10:01:40AM Sandra DAngelo wrote:
We are testing an upgrade for version 10 on a client's server that is also running version 9 live. Universal Driver version 5.2 is installed. The registry is set to OILOCATION=<version 9 location> and I have created two sharenames: OI9 which points to version 9 directory and OI10 which points to the version 10 directory. The revparam in version 10, is set to:
ServerName=<ip address>
I have SSO enabled. Version 9 is working correctly. Version 10 is not logging in. It starts then closes as if being autologged out because of the incorrect domain group. If I change the revparam to serveronly=0, I get the linear hash error message so it is being controlled by the Universal Driver. The SSO was working with serveronly=0 before I added the ShareName setup. What am I missing in the setup to allow to the version 9 directory and version 10 directory to both run?
Thank you,
At 04 MAR 2022 11:44PM cmeyer wrote:
That has been my issue. You cannot run OI9.xx and OI10.1 side by side unless you purchase the UD5.2 for OI9.xx (very expensive). The revparam files for OI9.xx runs on port 777 and OI10.1 runs on port 1777 and they cannot be on the same port as they are running different UDs (UD4.7.2 vs UD5.2). This has been my gripe. We are still developing in OI9.4.6 and regularly perform migrations for further testing in OI10 for many months. I too have a client testing OI10.1 but attaching a different data set, NOT live.
Hope that helps.
At 07 MAR 2022 09:05AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Sandra.
Can you please clarify, are you trying to access the SAME data from the two different UDs, or are you trying to access different data with each UD?
OpenInsight has never allowed two (or more) different UDs to access the same files - each UD "owns" the files that it accesses, and can't "share" it with anything else.
- Bryan Shumsky
At 07 MAR 2022 11:27AM Sandra DAngelo wrote:
1 Universal Driver and 1 server. I have two directories on the server - one for version 9 and one for a test version of 10. I noticed that the version 10 client is set to 5.3 and the Universal Driver server is version 5.2. How do I update the client on the version 10. I can't rerun the install since this is a live server and don't want to reinstall the Universal Driver Server side. I can't seem to open OICONSOLE. I am running the socketserver from a CMD prompt. I miss Netdrv :(
At 07 MAR 2022 11:32AM Sandra DAngelo wrote:
@Chris - sorry to hear that. We do have UD 5.2.
At 07 MAR 2022 02:50PM bshumsky wrote:
1 Universal Driver and 1 server. I have two directories on the server - one for version 9 and one for a test version of 10. I noticed that the version 10 client is set to 5.3 and the Universal Driver server is version 5.2. How do I update the client on the version 10. I can't rerun the install since this is a live server and don't want to reinstall the Universal Driver Server side. I can't seem to open OICONSOLE. I am running the socketserver from a CMD prompt. I miss Netdrv :(
Hi, Sandra. Thanks for the clarification.
So the OI 10 files and the OI 9 files are COMPLETELY separate? One isn't a subdirectory of the other, or they have files in common?
I think the first thing we need to do is "disentangle" the various things that might be going on. Single Sign On, and share names, both complicate our situation, so the first thing we need to do is go back to basics and see if the UD is working properly for the OI 9 and OI 10 _without_ those features. (BTW, the 5.3 client talking to the 5.2 server isn't a problem).
Try to use the revparam without the sharenames, and see if that works. I would also suggest that, until this "settles down", you don't enable the SSO for the OI 10, just so (as I mentioned already) we can start with baby steps
Please let us know your results when the revparams don't have share names, and you're logging in with "standard" login processes?
- Bryan Shumsky
At 08 MAR 2022 02:43AM Sandra DAngelo wrote:
Hi, Brian
They are completely separate - one is D:\Aves\ASI and the other is D:\Ave\ASI10. No directories are shared between the two systems. I deleted CFG_LOGIN*<appname> record and removed the OI location settings in the Universal Driver. I restarted the universal driver and checked the revparam file is the same as the live system.
Version 9 opened fine from both the server and the remote desktop server. Version 10 did not. I discovered that the SYSAUTHLOG index was corrupt. I restored it from backup and rebuilt the index. I am able to login now. I re-enabled the SSO and that is working too.
Thank you for all your help!
At 08 MAR 2022 03:57PM Sandra DAngelo wrote:
Spoke too soon. The system takes approximately 3-5 minutes to login from a workstation (LAN user). This is not the case for version 9. I removed the SSO and it took even longer to login. Any ideas? Server UD is and OI10 RevEngine shows OI version 10.1.0 and Universal Driver version
Thank you
At 08 MAR 2022 04:48PM Sandra DAngelo wrote:
FYI, Its getting held up on run swap_database '<databasename>'
At 09 MAR 2022 10:27AM bshumsky wrote:
FYI, Its getting held up on run swap_database '<databasename>'
Hi, Sandra. Can you check to see if your SYSAUTHLOG table is really big? I think we were having a problem with that table getting huge and not properly cleaned out - I wonder if you're seeing that?
- Bryan Shumsky
At 09 MAR 2022 11:15AM Sandra DAngelo wrote:
It doesn't seem too large. It's 14,508 records and 1,900KB. The framesize is 2048 and ratio at .64. The index is only 80k file size. Can I just clear this log?
At 09 MAR 2022 11:25AM bshumsky wrote:
It doesn't seem too large. It's 14,508 records and 1,900KB. The framesize is 2048 and ratio at .64. The index is only 80k file size. Can I just clear this log?
Yes, you can try that - note that as a SYS table, it probably won't let you do it from TCL or System Monitor, but you may be able to do it programmatically. After you clear it, make sure the indices are rebuilt, and verify that it is indeed empty - and then, does it help with the login?
- Bryan Shumsky
At 09 MAR 2022 02:30PM Sandra DAngelo wrote:
I got an error message that this is a system table. I'll try deleting row by row next. I did rebuild the system indexes and saved the database definition and the login is down to 30-60 seconds. It is still being hung up a bit on the swap_database command.
At 09 MAR 2022 02:40PM Andrew McAuley wrote:
Just an aside, whilst system tables cannot be cleared, run delete_row tablename, “*“ still works.
World leaders in all things RevSoft
At 09 MAR 2022 04:22PM Donald Bakke wrote:
Just an aside, whilst system tables cannot be cleared, run delete_row tablename, “*“ still works.
World leaders in all things RevSoft
You can also alias a system table (without the "SYS" prefix of course!) and then clear works.
At 10 MAR 2022 08:55AM Sandra DAngelo wrote:
Thanks Andrew and Don. I have noted both tricks for the future.