OInsight still on task manager (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 09 DEC 2004 04:22:34PM John Bouley wrote:
A customer is having problems with OI 7.01 (Runtime build) not closing properly on some workstations. So far it is only on W2k with SP4. XP seems to shut down properly.
Symptom is after exiting OpenInsight app "OINSIGHT.EXE" remains on the task manager and only an End Task will cure. Each time the open OI another OINSIGHT.EXE loads into memory?
Any ideas as this is working on other computers in their system.
John Bouley
At 09 DEC 2004 11:48PM Donald Bakke wrote:
How do the end users close the application? Is there more than one way to naturally shut it down?
At 10 DEC 2004 09:39AM Colin Rule wrote:
I would suggest a Utility DESTROY on the close event to be absolutely sure.
At 10 DEC 2004 05:03PM John Bouley wrote:
The user clicks on the "X" at the top right of the screen. There is only one form open and it normally ends all tasks associated on most computers. I understand about the Destroy System and can add it to the Close event of the window but what causes this?
At 12 DEC 2004 08:46PM Paul Rowe wrote:
I've had similar behaviour when developing - don't know if this will give you any clues as to the kind of process which might cause it.
Run a development session with either System Editor or Form Designer. Have a window or program open that has been changes, but not saved.
Then open a runtime session. When closing the session Oinsight stays running. It appears that the session is trying to close the System Editor or Form Designer for the other session, fails this and then stays open.
Do you ever have multiple sessions on the same machine?
At 13 DEC 2004 10:08AM John Bouley wrote:
Thanks for your response Paul.
The only time I have had this problem is with a new deployment to this one customer. It works fine on their XP stations but on 2000 Oinsight.exe will not shut down.
This is a Runtime Deployment.
John Bouley
At 03 FEB 2005 09:02AM Bill Titus wrote:
I've experienced this problem on a Win2K workstation using Novell Client 4.83 SP2.
A couple of re-installs of 4.83 SP2, an install of 4.83, and a final install of 4.83 SP2 resolved things. But I haven't got a clue why.
At 03 FEB 2005 12:34PM John Bouley wrote:
Interesting! My customer was also using W2k and Novell with the novell client. They were planning on upgrading to XP so that also seems to have fixed the problem.