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At 10 AUG 2022 12:02:40PM Rich Channer wrote:

Hello All,

We are needing to write an interface to an external DLL in OI (9.4) - works like a charm in c++ but cannot get it to work in Openinsight it just shuts OI without error. I suspect its a problem with the prototype record as changing the values I send seems to make no difference (but changing the data types seems to have no difference also) - any help would be appreciated!

Here's the logic from C:

typedef int(_cdecl* nCfInit) (HWND, UINT, UINT, BOOL *);

nCfInit nCfInitiate;

#define WM_USER 0x0400

#define WM_READPKT (WM_USER+1)


DhWnd = CreateDialog(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INTERFACAPI_DIALOG), NULL, dlgproc);

BOOL bReadPckt = false;

nInstance = nCfInitiate(DhWnd, WM_READPKT, WM_CLOSEPROC, &bReadPckt);

The prototype record in OI currently looks like this (cant see an equivalent in OI for bool):


and the code to call it looks like this:

declare function nCfInit

DhWnd = get_property(@window, 'HANDLE')

WM_READPKT = "34307"

WM_CLOSEPROC = "34308"

ReadPckt = '0'

nInstance = nCfInit(hhandle, WM_READPKT, WM_CLOSEPROC, ReadPckt)

The WM_ vars probably need to be hex - but still fails if I do this, which makes me think its more the prototype record that's at fault…?


At 11 AUG 2022 07:01AM Rich Channer wrote:

Just noticed I posted to 64-bit - but its OI9 !

Ignore this one I reposted again into 32-bit section!

Cheers, R

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