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At 03 APR 2012 07:44:30PM David Goddard wrote:

A client moved their server from a physical box to a virtual box. The UD 4.6 was re installed by copying the the c:\revsoft directory on the server and then running the lh46srvc -install command from the command line. registry settings were moved from the old server to the new server. New server is 64bit. Old server was 32bit. New server is windows server 2008 R2

UD 4.6 is running correctly. The OI app runs correctly. REVPARAM has serveronly=1 and the correct ip address and port. The REVPARAM in the UD Manager directory is correct.

The UD Manager on the server starts ok, show the correct version, ip address and port for the server, but does not display any active sessions or locks.

Any ideas how to fix the missing sessions and locks in the UD Manager?

Dave G

At 04 APR 2012 01:48PM Jared Bratu wrote:

Did you remember to update the registry branches when you copied the settings between servers. The 32bit branch would be:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RevSoft\Revelation Universal Driver\4.6

And the 64bit branch would be:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RevSoft\Revelation Universal Driver\4.6

Does the Universal Driver manager show at least one session when it is open? The Universal Driver manager program uses a session on the LinearHash service and it should always appear in the manager.

Are you positive the ServerName values in the two revparam files are being resolved to the correct server IP?

At 04 APR 2012 05:34PM david goddard wrote:

Yes, the registry settings are in the correct place in the wow6432 node.

No, the UD manager does not show up in the sessions list.

The server name= value is set to the IP address of the server. If I change this value to the wrong IP address the OI app and the UD Manager do not start up. This would suggest to me that the both OI and UD Manager are connecting OK to the UD service.

Is there some setting within the UD Manager that I need to change?

Dave G

At 05 APR 2012 08:22AM Jared Bratu wrote:

Your assumption about the IP address is correct but if it was resolving to the wrong address it could connect to the LinearHash service on a different server - like the old server if it were still running.

The steps you took should work but something isn't right because you don't see the UD Manager's session listed in the station list. My recommendation is to uninstall the service, rename the Universal Driver manager directory, and do a fresh installation. You should also rename the Universal Driver registry branch. The impact of installation should be minimal and will help mitigate manual setup issues.

Are you running the UD Manager as an administrative user?

At 11 APR 2012 08:21AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:

Yes, the registry settings are in the correct place in the wow6432 node.

No, the UD manager does not show up in the sessions list.

The server name= value is set to the IP address of the server. If I change this value to the wrong IP address the OI app and the UD Manager do not start up. This would suggest to me that the both OI and UD Manager are connecting OK to the UD service.

Is there some setting within the UD Manager that I need to change?

Dave G

You could set up an LH log on the server and verify that the correct server is being accessed.

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At 11 APR 2012 07:06PM david goddard wrote:

Thanks for all the advice. I need to be on site and try logging in as "Administrator" on the server. My user login has "administrator" rights but sometimes this is not the same running as the "Administrator"

There are no other servers running the UD anywhere on this network. The old physical server died, hence the move to the new virtual server.

I think that an uninstall and full reinstall may fix things. Will let you know what I find.

Dave G

At 21 AUG 2012 06:37PM L Davis wrote:

Hi Dave

What was the solution to your problem? We have a client that shows one session and one lock (SYSLOGINS) but no locks for any other user. He's running Server 2008.


At 23 AUG 2012 08:42AM Jared Bratu wrote:

This situation sounds slightly different than the one David reported where no locks were appearing. In your case I recommend you copy the REVPARAM file from your "Universal Driver" directory into the root OpenInsight directory and any data directories not in sub folders of the root OpenInsight directory. Please do this while all users are logged out. Next time the client logs in or attached tables it should locate the revparam file and connect to the LinearHash service. As a result you should see the locks listed in the manager.

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