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At 10 AUG 2009 03:24:20PM Mike O'Neal wrote:

Hi all - one of our users reported this, not even sure where to START. OI 4.1.3, network products properly installed. I have a copy of their system and all searches work fine on my Vista machine. Any idea what would cause inconsistent results on a machine-by-machine basis? Field being searched is an indexed, MV symbolic.


Mike O.

"All searches work fine on the application server. On my computer (a Vista machine) "new milford," "west hartford," "north haven," "new london," "new jersey" produce nothing, but "east haddam" or "east hampton" work fine. We have one other computer (an XP machine) that finds whatever we look for. Other computers don't, and they're not all Vista machines; one computer (running XP) acts like mine, finding only two-word names with "east" in the name; one other machine (running XP) has the same problem but DOES find "west hartford," which mine won't."

At 10 AUG 2009 03:59PM Richard Hunt wrote:

If it was my problem I would consider three possibilities…

1) The MV symbolic.

2) The index.

3) The network.

Starting with the first one… What is the source code for the MV symbolic?

At 10 AUG 2009 05:09PM Mike O'Neal wrote:

Hi Richard -

Thank you for the quick response. Regarding symbolics, is there a situation in which a symbolic would work on one work station and fail on another? I would have thought it would be all or nothing across the board. This symbolic, while large, basically concatenates several other fields into a single MV field.

Mike O.

At 10 AUG 2009 07:21PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Software is software so it'll be a permissions style issue. Where are temp files written to?

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 12 AUG 2009 02:28PM Mike O'Neal wrote:

Temp files are written to a folder below their oi executable.

"The results vary with computer, not with user. I get different results, depending on what machine I'm logged in at although all the machines connect to the server as part of the same Windows user group, so the permissions should be the same."

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