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At 07 AUG 2020 02:09:03PM Mike Ruane wrote:


After months of trials and tribulations, Pandemics, Lockdowns, and ransomware attacks, we are happy to announce that OpenInsight 10.0.8 is available for download, in the Works section (this section) of the website.

Cheers to the whole crew working on this - Carl, Bryan, Bob, Bill, and the others, and thanks to our beta testers who have given us valuable feedback.

One reminder: after downloading the zip file, you may have to right-click on the zip, choose properties, and unblock the files; then, after unzipping, they need to right-click and "run as administrator" on the setup executable. We've had some reported issued on this, after various MS updates…


And, we are already working on the 10.1 release.

Mike Ruane

Revelation Software

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