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At 07 OCT 2020 12:13:28PM Troy Mann wrote:


We have a client that is in the process of moving from an in house server farm to Azure cloud for all their hosted applications, one being our OI based application.

In moving our OpenInsight 9 application to Azure we are finding that the performance when running from a VDI machine in the same server farm as the server that hosts the application is far from satisfactory.

We have tried running the application from the VDI machine by using a desktop shortcut pointing to a mapped drive that hold OI. This is between 10 and 20 times slower than running directly on the server. We then tried an arrangement where we basically installed a thin OI client (all REV files removed from the thin copy) on the VDI machine and setup the necessary Registry shares so that the UD could do it's job. This performance was similar to using the mapped drive concept.

The network is all minimum of 10GB/sec throughput. We can not guarantee that all machines are on the same VLAN but are all confirmed to be in the same physical server farm.

Running the OI application on the server that has OI loaded onto it the performance is amazing. The client does not ideally want to allow users to connect directly to the server for security and data safety issues.

Has anyone used Azure and VDI machines (in this case around 10 VDI, that are two physical machines) successfully and if so do you have any advice as to how to implement this and have acceptable performance.

Any ideas would be welcome.

Kind Regards Troy

At 07 OCT 2020 12:40PM Andrew McAuley wrote:

Not talked about much but a mention here

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 07 OCT 2020 01:21PM bob carten wrote:

Basic troubleshooting for performance issues:

Make sure that antivirus excludes *.lk, *.ov, revparam

Set all the files to be owned by the SYSTEM user

Use a revparam with ServerOnly=1, ServerName=<ip address or dnsname of the server>;TCPIPPort = <same port as registry>, NamedPipeName=NONE

At 14 OCT 2020 05:33PM Jared Bratu wrote:


As indicated by the other thread Sprezzatua referenced Remote Desktop, 2x, or Citrix are optimum solutions when running OpenInsight in the cloud with minimal changes.

If your network staff were to watch the network traffic on the OpenInsight thin client with WireShark you would see that it's probably very chatty with the database server sending/receiving a lot of packets on the LinearHash TCP port. This is probably a big reason it's substantially slower over the VPN.

Depending on your needs you might be able to re-engineer some of the queries to be more efficient by offloading the work onto the server. A few years ago SRP gave a presentation that showed an OpenInsight form communicating with a REST API through an MFS. Instead of doing queries from the local workstation, you might be able to offload them onto the server and run the query in an engine on the database server so only the needed data is returned to the client. This is no small change but would set you up to re-use those APIs for web and mobile apps in the future.

Jared Bratu

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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