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At 01 NOV 2021 08:26:27AM Karl Pozmann wrote:

Has anyone succeeded in running OI 64-bit on Azure or other cloud platform? I would also be curious as to what the monthly fee is for that assuming it's doable.


At 01 NOV 2021 08:44AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

We've done this internally as a POC on a product we're working on. A well configured server appeared to deliver performance at a similar level to the desktop. Can't provide details immediately as the staff member responsible is off at the moment ;).

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 01 NOV 2021 10:22AM Karl Pozmann wrote:

Thanks Andrew - we'll give Azure a shot here soon.

At 01 NOV 2021 03:04PM Jared Bratu wrote:


I've worked with a few large customers who have hosted their OpenInsight environment in Azure and the results have been decent. It's hard to provide cost figured because a lot depends on:

[*] How many IOPs and how much DB storage is needed. Azure has premium disk storage SSDs which offer fine-grained disk cache settings which can help the LinearHash service run well.

[*] Required size of the DB server and resources needed to run the OEngineServer (if used).

[*] How many terminal servers will be needed ( assuming that your access uses OpenInsight instead of a web interface for user access ) and can any of these terminal servers be turned off during periods of low usage.

If you can send me some information about your user count and workloads I might be able to provide you with some estimates and things to consider.

Jared Bratu

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 01 NOV 2021 03:13PM Donald Bakke wrote:

We've done this internally as a POC on a product we're working on. A well configured server appeared to deliver performance at a similar level to the desktop. Can't provide details immediately as the staff member responsible is off at the moment ;).

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

Andrew - For Karl's benefit, are you describing your work in creating a BFS to an Azure data source or are you referring to using Azure as a hosting platform for OpenInsight? I think he's interested in the latter (which is what Jared's response is addressing) but I think you might be describing the former.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 01 NOV 2021 03:30PM Andrew McAuley wrote:

We've done this internally as a POC on a product we're working on. A well configured server appeared to deliver performance at a similar level to the desktop. Can't provide details immediately as the staff member responsible is off at the moment ;).

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

Andrew - For Karl's benefit, are you describing your work in creating a BFS to an Azure data source or are you referring to using Azure as a hosting platform for OpenInsight? I think he's interested in the latter (which is what Jared's response is addressing) but I think you might be describing the former.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

This is another project where we are using Azure as a server. ;)

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

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